Windows Firewall: How to Specify The Local TCP Source Port for a Specific Application

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Windows Firewall: How to Specify The Local TCP Source Port for a Specific Application

I am working on a programming project and I need to be able to specify the tcp source port an application client will use when connecting to a server.

A comparable example/question would be how to I specify my Firefox browser to only be allowed to receive traffic on tcp source port 5555. So when I open my browser and go to the tcp connection details will be 192.168.1.x:5555 to I understand normally the source port is chosen randomly, but there has to be a way of specifying an application to only be allowed to open connections using a specific local port as the source.

I have tried to set an outbound rule in my Windows (8.1) Firewall binding an application, but with no luck :/. I must be missing something, does anyone have any suggestions?

I have a sneaking suspicion this actually needs to be an inbound rule, but I don't understand the reason.

Picture 1

Picture 2

Also, I did specify the specific program under the "Programs and Services" tab.

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