MySQL INSERT … SELECT multiple rows

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MySQL INSERT … SELECT multiple rows

I've been searching the MySQL documentation, Google and Stackoverflow, but I couldn't find the solution which suits my needs.

I have 2 tables:
Contract: contract_id, contract_client_id, contract_property_id, contract_tenant_id, contract_startdate, contract_enddate, contract_price

Ledger: ledger_id, ledger_trans_date, ledger_period, ledger_property_id, ledger_tenant_id, ledger_value

I want to populate the ledger with some columns from the contract table and used the following statement:

INSERT INTO ledger (ledger_trans_date, ledger_period, ledger_property_id,
ledger_tenant_id, ledger_value)
VALUES ('01-08-2018', '01-08-2018', (SELECT contract_property_id,
contract_tenant_id, contract_price FROM contract));

But I get the following error: Error Code: 1136. Column count doesn't match value count at row 1.

I tried this one as well:

INSERT INTO ledger (ledger_trans_date, ledger_period, ledger_property_id,
ledger_tenant_id, ledger_value)
VALUES ('01-08-2018', '01-08-2018',
(SELECT contract_property_id FROM contract),
(SELECT contract_tenant_id FROM contract),
(SELECT contract_price FROM contract));

But than I get the following error: Error Code: 1242. Subquery returns more than 1 row.

I hope someone can help me ahead and tell me where I went wrong...
In case you need more info, please don't hesitate to ask.

Thanks a lot in advance.

1 Answer

Do it like this:

INSERT INTO ledger (ledger_trans_date, ledger_period, ledger_property_id,
ledger_tenant_id, ledger_value)
SELECT '2018-08-01', '2018-08-01', contract_property_id,
contract_tenant_id, contract_price FROM contract;

This gives a syntax error: Error Code 1064. If I understood the documentation correct this is due to the fact of VALUES (SELECT '01-08-2018', '01-08-2018' ... as the dates are a string... Correct me if I misunderstood.
– Dennis
Aug 10 at 22:35

Wrong date format, it should be 'YYYY-MM-DD' . Rest is fine.
– Sookie Singh
Aug 10 at 22:43

That doesn't solve the syntax error. I did it according to the code above you sent and change it to 2018-08-01.
– Dennis
Aug 10 at 22:45

Then please check if ledger_trans_date and ledger_period are in date/datetime format or not?
– Sookie Singh
Aug 10 at 22:46



@Dennis Did you checked?
– Sookie Singh
Aug 10 at 22:51

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