How do I create configuration for axios for default request headers in every http call?

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How do I create configuration for axios for default request headers in every http call?

I would like to have my project setup so that I do not have to specify the same request header in every http call.

I have searched this online but I have not been able to accomplish this in my project.

Would someone please assist me in resolving this issue I am having.
I am new to react and axios and I am not sure how to configure this.

My project seems to be doing this but it is sending the request 2 times.
One with the header and one without.

My axios call can be found in the app.js class component

Possible duplicate of How does one set global headers in axios?
– Tholle
Aug 10 at 22:08

Please include a Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example in your question.
– jhpratt
Aug 10 at 22:10

1 Answer

You can specify config defaults that will be applied to every request.

Global axios defaults

axios.defaults.baseURL = '';
axios.defaults.headers.common['Authorization'] = AUTH_TOKEN;['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';

For more specific info, please visit their docs.

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