Format number of minutes into a Duration of HH:MM?

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Format number of minutes into a Duration of HH:MM?

I have a column that produces a fractional number of minutes, e.g.


I would like another column to format that into a Duration of the form HH:MM, rounding up minutes, i.e.



1h 12m

2 Answers

Please try:


and format:


ah, where 1440 is the number of minutes in a day. So this converts to days and then formats. Nice!
– Jeremy Kahan
Aug 10 at 22:37

Thanks, I tried this and it works...although why roundup? I just used round and it seems to round up/down correctly. For bonus points, how would I format it as 2h 3m?
– aaa90210
Aug 10 at 22:41

Your question said "rounding up minutes" not rounding minutes. Now granted that had a .5 on it, but it was hard to know what you meant. That is why I gave both ROUND and CEILING based answers. I'm thinking about the bonus (though my method already does that, I cannot argue that this one is not more elegant -- it uses more of the spreadsheet's built-in power and less math).
– Jeremy Kahan
Aug 10 at 23:07

[h] " h "m" m" will give the bonus, remove the spaces before h and m if you wish.
– Jeremy Kahan
Aug 10 at 23:28

OK I think I have it the way I want now, thanks everyone.
– aaa90210
Aug 11 at 2:34

=round(divide(A1-mod (A1,60),60)) & " h " & round(mod (A1,60)) & " m"

would do it with rounding 11.5 minutes up but 11.25 down. I will think about what if even that should say 12.

EDIT: There is a subtle case the above misses on. IT says 179.5 is 2 hours and 60 minutes.

Better is

=round(divide(round(A1)-mod (round(A1),60),60)) & " h " & (mod (round(A1),60)) & " m"

=round(divide(round(A1)-mod (round(A1),60),60)) & " h " & (mod (round(A1),60)) & " m"

The first round should not be needed, but I want no floating point madness.

If you really want 71.25 to say 1 hr 12 minutes, go with

=round(divide(ceiling(A1)-mod (ceiling(A1),60),60)) & " h " & (mod (CEILING(A1),60)) & " m"

=round(divide(ceiling(A1)-mod (ceiling(A1),60),60)) & " h " & (mod (CEILING(A1),60)) & " m"

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