AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'self'

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AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'self'

I'm working with classes and I've got self.variables, which is no problem at all until I want to do this:

I want to subtract values of one df by values of another by index

import pandas as pd

for index, row in self.DataFrame4.iterrows():

self.DataFrame1=pd.self.DataFrame3.subtract(self.DataFrame2, axis='index')

The result is:

AttributeError: module 'pandas' has no attribute 'self' most likely because of "pd.self"

What would be a neat solution to fix that issue?

have you tried removing pd. to make it like all the other self.DataFrame# references?
– Joel Berkeley
Aug 10 at 20:51



self.DataFrame1 = self.DataFrame3.subtract(self.DataFrame2, axis='index') ?
– Madhan Varadhodiyil
Aug 10 at 20:55

self.DataFrame1 = self.DataFrame3.subtract(self.DataFrame2, axis='index')

hey Joel, thanks for the fast response. The error disappeared but the two DataFrames I want to subtract from one another merged somehow (all values are NaN) ... but this should be another issue.
– rude.boy
Aug 10 at 21:00

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