Loop through CTE results and run a query for each

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Loop through CTE results and run a query for each

I'm trying to create a SQL query/procedure that would loop through records the CTE brings back.

The CTE would return table names of tables that have to have the queries executed to.

Example CTE Results:


and more...

The query that would need to be run for the two tables from CTE would be:

SELECT COUNT(*) AS Records_missing
FROM scheme./** tables form the CTE **/ a WITH (NOLOCK)
FROM table_a b WITH (NOLOCK)

I believe that this would have to be a stored procedure including a CURSOR function.

Bad habits : Putting NOLOCK everywhere
– Larnu
Aug 10 at 11:44

1 Answer

since you need to use Dynamic SQL, you can form the query for individual table and UNION ALL the result


declare @sql nvarchar(max)

; with cte as
< your cte query>
select @sql = isnull(@sql + char(13) + 'UNION ALL' + char(13), '')
+ 'SELECT tbl_name = ''' + tbl_name + ''', COUNT(*) AS Records_missing' + char(13)
+ 'FROM ' + quotename(tbl_name) + ' AS a' + char(13)
+ 'WHERE NOT EXISTS (' + char(13)
+ 'SELECT *' + char(13)
+ 'FROM table_a b' + char(13)
+ 'WHERE a.COLUMN = b.COLUMN)' + char(13)
from cte

print @sql
exec sp_executesql @sql

That's a clever way of suppressing the initial Union All.
– Brian
Aug 10 at 13:56

Union All

Wow!... that is truly amazing. Serves me perfectly. Thank you.
– Pawel
Aug 10 at 14:18

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