Computed Getter causes maximum stack size error

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Computed Getter causes maximum stack size error

I'm trying to implement the following logic in Nuxt:

The issue I'm currently stuck with is that the getUrl getter method in the store is called repeatedly until the maximum call stack is exceeded and I can't work out why. It's only called from the computed function in the page, so this implies that the computed function is also being called repeatedly but, again, I can't figure out why.

In my Vuex store index.js I have:

export const state = () => (

export const mutations =
SET_APPT: (state, appointment) =>
state.appointments[] = appointment.url

export const actions =
async setAppointment ( commit, state , id)
let result = await axios.get('https://externalAPI/' + id,
method: 'GET',
protocol: 'http'
return commit('SET_APPT',
catch (err)

export const getters =
getUrl: (state, param) =>
return state.appointments[param]

In my page component I have:

<section class="container">
<iframe :src="url"></iframe>

export default {
url: function ()
let url = this.$store.getters['getUrl'](this.$
return url;


The setAppointments action is called from a separate component in the page that asks the user for the ID via an onSubmit method:

appointment: this.appointment ? ...this.appointment :
id: '',
url: '',
error: false

methods: {
this.error = true;

this.error = false;

Could you show also your 'getUrl' getter? Because I could not see it in the store above. It seems that your pattern should be wrong because you do this.$store.getters['getUrl'](this.$ but it is a function call and the getter should not be a function call just a reference. If I were you, I would create a selectedAppointment state.
– Máté Wiszt
6 mins ago

@MátéWiszt In some cases you can pass a parameter to a getting instead of using a secondary filtering value in he store.
– Xander Luciano
1 min ago

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