remove multiple consecutive occurrences of .* in a string with a single .* python

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remove multiple consecutive occurrences of .* in a string with a single .* python

Below is my code to check for the multiple consecutive occurrences of ".*"
in string. If there are multiple consecutive occurrences of ".*" then replace it with single ".*". Forg:




import re

dot_star_check = re.compile('(.*)2,')

k = ".*.*.*.*.*foo.*"

k = k.replace(?,".*") if else k

print k

What i should write instead of ? to replace multiple consecutive occurrences of .* with single .*



So, expected output is .*foo.*


other egs:

1.) foo.*.*.*.*bar.* ->foo.*bar.*

foo.*.*.*.*bar.* ->foo.*bar.*

2.) .*foobar.*.*.*.*.* ->.*foobar.*

.*foobar.*.*.*.*.* ->.*foobar.*

2 Answers

You can use re.sub and (?:.*)+ as your pattern:



import re
dot_star_check = re.compile('(?:.*)+')
k = ".*.*.*.*.*foo.*"
k = re.sub(dot_star_check,'.*',k)

print (k)



You could additionally improve the efficiency of the pattern so that substitution is performed only when there are 2 or more occurences using (?:.*)2, :


import re
dot_star_check = re.compile('(?:.*)2,')
k = ".*.*.*.*.*foo.*"
k = re.sub(dot_star_check,'.*',k)

print (k)



why u have ? and : at the start?
– zubug55
Aug 10 at 22:24

It is a non capturing group. Using a non capturing group is generally more efficient than using a capturing group.
– UnbearableLightness
Aug 10 at 22:25

multiple consecutive occureences of .* is equivalent to single .* right?
– zubug55
Aug 10 at 22:28

I am not sure I follow, could you please clarify? What do you mean by your comment?
– UnbearableLightness
Aug 10 at 22:30

I am trying to look for data matching patterns -> .*.*.*.*foo.*.* or bar.*.*.*foo.*.*.* or anything else ; so instead of making a search with the above regexp strings; i am removing multiple consecutive .* with single .*? so , i am asking if there is any difference between .*.*.*.*foo.*.* and .*foo.* or not? I am doing this to make search efficient
– zubug55
Aug 10 at 22:35

I think you can just use re.sub and (.*)+ as your regex:



s = 'foo.*.*.*.*bar.*'
s2 = '.*foobar.*.*.*.*.* '
k = ".*.*.*.*.*foo.*"

>>> re.sub('(.*)+','.*',s)
>>> re.sub('(.*)+','.*',s2)
'.*foobar.* '
>>> re.sub('(.*)+','.*',k)

Using a character set in this case is not correct, since it would also match *. for instance rather than .*.
– UnbearableLightness
Aug 10 at 22:21



You're right, my mistake, edited
– sacul
Aug 10 at 22:22

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