Why ”Type Bound mismatch: The type ? extends T is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <E extends Enum> of the type Enum“?

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Why ”Type Bound mismatch: The type ? extends T is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <E extends Enum<E>> of the type Enum<E>“?

I am trying to read the hadoop 1.0.0 source code in eclipse. I downloaded the source code first and then use ant eclipse to build the project. After that, I successfully created the project in eclipse. But there is an error Type Bound mismatch: The type ? extends T is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <E extends Enum<E>> of the type Enum<E> on the line 396 of Gridmix.java. The error code:

ant eclipse

Type Bound mismatch: The type ? extends T is not a valid substitute for the bounded parameter <E extends Enum<E>> of the type Enum<E>


private <T> String getEnumValues(Enum<? extends T> e)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String sep = "";
for (Enum<? extends T> v : e) ";

return sb.toString();

do you know what version of Java you are building with? make sure it is compatible
– Patrick Parker
Aug 8 at 6:56

I am using jdk 1.8 now. I will try jdk 1.6.
– windkl
Aug 8 at 7:03

Why Hadoop 1.x? Have you compared that class to Hadoop 3?
– cricket_007
Aug 8 at 12:53

I have solved the problem now. Thanks to Patrick Parker. If I use jdk 1.6 and eclipse Kepler, there will be no errors.
– windkl
Aug 8 at 13:56

I just want to learn the source codes of Hadoop but the newest version is too complex. so I choose the older version.
– windkl
Aug 8 at 13:58

1 Answer

Enum itself is generic (in pure Java) with restriction on the parameter T so:


`Enum<T extends <Enum<T>>`

You don't have any restriction on T in your code, so compiler complains, because You may end up with T = Object, but Enum cannot accept Object as T.

T = Object




So you have to restrict T in your code as well:


private <T extends Enum<T>> String getEnumValues(Enum<? extends T> e)
StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
String sep = "";
for (Enum<? extends T> v : e) ";

return sb.toString();

In fact in this case the wildcard wouldn't make sense, because you cannot extend T (because you cannot extend any specific enum). But that should already compile. If not, drop the wildcard.



I see, it's not your code. So probably some older Java didn't check this properly.

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