R Error in regsubsets() NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5) and dataset has been checked for NAs/NANs/Inf

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R Error in regsubsets() NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5) and dataset has been checked for NAs/NANs/Inf

FA_binary <- as.numeric(HE_Data$`FA?` == "Y")
TE_binary <- as.numeric(HE_Data$`Bond Type` == "Tax-Exempt")
ST_binary <- as.numeric(HE_Data$`School Type` == "Public")

Data <- data.table(HE_Data$School, HE_Data$`Maturity Year`, HE_Data$Cpn, HE_Data$Sprd, HE_Data$`Rating Scale (1-11)`, FA_binary, TE_binary, ST_binary)
names(Data) <- c("School", "Maturity", "Coupon", "Spread", "Rating", "FA", "Tax Status", "School Type")

year <- Data$Maturity
spread <- Data$Spread
cpn <- Data$Coupon
rating <- Data$Rating
fa <- Data$FA
schooltype <- Data$`School Type`
tax <- Data$`Tax Status`

HEsubset <- regsubsets(spread ~ year + rating + cpn + fa + schooltype + tax, data = Data)

HEsubset returns the error:

Error in leaps.setup(x, y, wt = wt, nbest = nbest, nvmax = nvmax,
force.in = force.in, : NA/NaN/Inf in foreign function call (arg 5)
In addition: Warning message: In leaps.setup(x, y, wt = wt, nbest =
nbest, nvmax = nvmax, force.in = force.in, : NAs introduced by

I have done na.omit on the dataset and checked for nan and infinite with is.nan and is.infinite but keep returning the same error. Any suggestions with what is creating this error? I have successfully run similar code with a much smaller version of the same dataset (59 entries versus 1541).




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