how color the minimum value cell on JTable?

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how color the minimum value cell on JTable?

I am developing a small application on Java. I created a custom model for jtable. The model is this:

package tienda.funcionalidad;

import java.awt.Component;
import java.util.ArrayList;

import javax.swing.JTable;
import javax.swing.table.AbstractTableModel;
import javax.swing.table.TableCellRenderer;

import tienda.funcionalidad.excepciones.NombreNoValidoException;
import tienda.funcionalidad.excepciones.PrecioNoValidoException;
import tienda.funcionalidad.excepciones.ProductoNoExisteException;

public class ProductTableModel extends AbstractTableModel implements TableCellRenderer

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
final String columns = "Producto", "Serodys", "Ramírez", "Entrada", "MercaSur" ;
final ArrayList registros = GestionTienda.getProductos();

public int getColumnCount()
return columns.length;

public String getColumnName(int column)
return columns[column];

public int getRowCount()
if (registros.isEmpty())
return 0;
return registros.size();

public Object getValueAt(int rowIndex, int columnIndex)
Product product = (Product) registros.get(rowIndex);
switch (columnIndex)
case 0:
return product.getName();
case 1:
return product.getPriceSerodys();
case 2:
return product.getPriceRamirez();
case 3:
return product.getPriceEntrada();
case 4:
return product.getPriceMercasur();

return null;

public boolean isCellEditable(int row, int col)
return true;

public Class getColumnClass(int col)
switch (col)
case 0: // Name
return String.class;
case 1: // value
return Double.class;
case 2: // location
return Double.class;
case 3: // quantity
return Double.class;
case 4:
return Double.class;

return null;

public void setValueAt(Object value, int row, int col)
Product product = (Product) registros.get(row);
switch (col)
case 0: // Name
case 1: // value
Double priceSerodys = (Double) value;
case 2: // location
Double priceRamirez = (Double) value;
case 3: // quantity
Double priceEntrada = (Double) value;
case 4: // quantity
Double priceMercasur = (Double) value;

catch (NombreNoValidoException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block
catch (PrecioNoValidoException e)
// TODO Auto-generated catch block

public Component getTableCellRendererComponent(JTable arg0, Object arg1, boolean arg2, boolean arg3, int arg4,
int arg5)

return null;

And the class Product is this:

package tienda.funcionalidad;


import tienda.funcionalidad.excepciones.NombreNoValidoException;
import tienda.funcionalidad.excepciones.PrecioNoValidoException;

public class Product implements Serializable

private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
private int id;
private String name;
private double priceSerodys;
private double priceRamirez;
private double priceEntrada;
private double priceMercasur;
private double priceAux = 0;

public Product(int id,String name, double priceSerodys, double priceRamirez, double priceEntrada, double priceMercasur) throws PrecioNoValidoException, NombreNoValidoException

public Product(int id,String nombre) throws NombreNoValidoException

public void setId(int id) = id;

public int getId()
return id;

protected void setPriceSerodys(Double priceSerodys) throws PrecioNoValidoException
throw new PrecioNoValidoException("Debes introducir un precio superior a 0");

public double getPriceSerodys()
return priceSerodys;

protected void setPriceRamirez(Double priceRamirez) throws PrecioNoValidoException
throw new PrecioNoValidoException("Debes introducir un precio superior a 0");

public double getPriceRamirez()
return priceRamirez;

protected void setPriceEntrada(Double priceEntrada) throws PrecioNoValidoException
throw new PrecioNoValidoException("Debes introducir un precio superior a 0");

public double getPriceEntrada()
return priceEntrada;

protected void setPriceMercasur(Double priceMercasur) throws PrecioNoValidoException
throw new PrecioNoValidoException("Debes introducir un precio superior a 0");

public double getPriceMercasur()
return priceMercasur;

protected void setName(String nombre) throws NombreNoValidoException nombre==null)
throw new NombreNoValidoException("Debes introducir un nombre para el producto");;

public String getName()
return name;

public double getPrecio()
return priceSerodys;

public String toString()
return getName();

public int hashCode()
final int prime = 31;
int result = 1;
result = prime * result + ((name == null) ? 0 : name.hashCode());
return result;

public boolean equals(Object obj)
if (this == obj)
return true;

if (obj == null)
return false;

if (getClass() != obj.getClass())
return false;

Product other = (Product) obj;
if (name == null)
if ( != null)
return false;

else if (!name.equals(
return false;

return true;

I need color the cell with the minimun value of each row with green and grey the other values. I am not idea how i have to codify the method getTableCellRendererComponent, can someone help me?
Sorry if my english is bad, i am spanish.
Thank you.

1 Answer

To achieve the result your are looking for, you can override the JTable prepareRenderer method.
Please refer the code below. This is just an example code and doesn't follow the java coding standard.
Left that work for you :)

JTable table = new JTable(new ProductTableModel())
public Component prepareRenderer(TableCellRenderer renderer, int rowIndex,
int columnIndex)

JComponent component = (JComponent) super.prepareRenderer(renderer, rowIndex, columnIndex);

int columnCount = getColumnCount();

if(columnIndex != 0)

double firstVal = Double.parseDouble(getValueAt(rowIndex, 1).toString());
for (int i = 2; i < columnCount; i++)
Double cellValue = Double.valueOf(getValueAt(rowIndex, i).toString());
if(cellValue < firstVal )
firstVal = cellValue;

if(firstVal == Double.valueOf(getValueAt(rowIndex, columnIndex).toString()).doubleValue())

return component;


Tkan you men, this code is useful. Now, i try code it in my code.
– Mario
Aug 10 at 19:42

Did it work for you ?
– Shahid Raza
Aug 18 at 10:44

Yes, thanks you!
– Mario
Aug 20 at 19:59

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