PM2 + Node.js + Nginx: no response to a large request

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PM2 + Node.js + Nginx: no response to a large request

First question, so I apologize if I'm not being clear/specific enough.

I'm currently attempting to serve a React/Express/Node.js app with Nginx and PM2. I set up a reverse proxy with Nginx to serve my Node/Express app, and I used npm run build on my React app to statically serve the React application with Nginx.

npm run build

That's fine, unless anyone really advises against doing that.

I think I'm running into issues with PM2. So I'm using a library called, and that involves sending large JSON responses/requests (for example, I had to set my parameter limit really high to allow this to happen):

extended: true,
limit: '5mb',
parameterLimit: 10000

extended: true,
limit: '5mb',
parameterLimit: 10000

The two applications work fine when I serve my backend using nodemon app.js but I run into issues when I attempt to use pm2 start app.js.

nodemon app.js

pm2 start app.js

On the React frontend, I get the following error: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 504 (Gateway Time-out)", as well as a "Proxy error" - specifically ECONNRESET

And no error occurs on the backend. I've tried with a single line of JSON, and that seems to be fine. As such, I think it might be because the JSON response that I am attempting to send is too large, and that somewhere in pm2, there is a restriction on this? But I can't really find any documentation that supports this.

Was wondering if anyone knew how to solve this? Let me know if I am not detailed or specific enough! Thanks in advance :)

Have you set the nginx client_max_body_size?…
– darkterbears
Aug 10 at 21:24

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