How to update a flag for all rows except the last 5 with the latest dates?

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How to update a flag for all rows except the last 5 with the latest dates?

I have a DB2 LUW 9.7 table that looks something like this (before update):

Id SubId Name New_Flag Dttm
1 2 Sam 0 5/31/2017 1:30:00.000000 PM
2 3 Joe 1 4/25/2018 12:30:00.000000 PM
3 4 Ann 1 4/3/2018 2:10:00.000000 PM
4 5 Tim 1 4/3/2018 2:15:00.000000 PM
5 6 Tom 0 3/6/2017 2:00:00.000000 PM
6 7 Art 1 4/3/2018 2:15:00.000000 PM
7 8 Jen 1 4/25/2018 12:30:00.000000 PM
8 9 Jim 1 4/3/2018 2:10:00.000000 PM
....many more records where New_Flag = 0

So, I update the New_Flag column to equal 1 for ID #1 and #5 and set the timestamp column, Dttm, to 8/3/2018 8:30:00.000000 AM. Now the table looks like this:

Id SubId Name New_Flag Dttm
1 2 Sam 1 8/3/2018 8:30:00.000000 AM
2 3 Joe 1 4/25/2018 12:30:00.000000 PM
3 4 Ann 1 4/3/2018 2:10:00.000000 PM
4 5 Tim 1 4/3/2018 2:15:00.000000 PM
5 6 Tom 1 8/3/2018 8:30:00.000000 AM
6 7 Art 1 4/3/2018 2:15:00.000000 PM
7 8 Jen 1 4/25/2018 12:30:00.000000 PM
8 9 Jim 1 4/3/2018 2:10:00.000000 PM
....many more records where New_Flag = 0

I want to write an update query that will set the New_Flag column equal to 0 for all columns in the table except for the 5 with the most recent dates: ID #1, #5, #2, #7, and either #4 or #6. It doesn't matter if #4 or #6 is selected as the 5th record, so long as only 5 records are returned.

This is what the table should end up looking like (I arbitrarily chose ID #6 as one of the records that has New_Flag set to 0):

Id SubId Name New_Flag Dttm
1 2 Sam 1 8/3/2018 8:30:00.000000 AM
2 3 Joe 1 4/25/2018 12:30:00.000000 PM
3 4 Ann 0 4/3/2018 2:10:00.000000 PM
4 5 Tim 1 4/3/2018 2:15:00.000000 PM
5 6 Tom 1 8/3/2018 8:30:00.000000 AM
6 7 Art 0 4/3/2018 2:15:00.000000 PM
7 8 Jen 1 4/25/2018 12:30:00.000000 PM
8 9 Jim 0 4/3/2018 2:10:00.000000 PM
....many more records where New_Flag = 0

I wrote the following that gets the 5 records, but I'm having trouble converting it to an UPDATE query that will set the New_Flag column equal to 0 for every row except these 5 records:

select distinct
t1.dttm as older
myTable t1
left outer join
myTable y1 on
y1.new_flag = t1.new_flag
and y1.dttm < t1.dttm
t1.new_flag = 1
order by
2 desc
fetch first 5 rows only

Is it possible to do this in an UPDATE query (preferably not in a stored procedure)? Is there a more efficient way to achieve what I'm trying to accomplish?


3 Answers

While Gordon's answer wasn't quite on the mark, he did help set me on the right path.

Here's the solution I came up with:

update myTable t1
set new_flag = 0
where not exists (
row_number() over (order by st2.dttm desc) as seqnum
myTable st2
new_flag = 1
) t2
seqnum <= 5
and =

This should ensure that if a record has a New_Flag = 0 and a Dttm that is more recent than one of the top 5 most recent records, that it will be ignored.

I think you can do this with fetch/offset:



update mytable
set flag = 0
where dttm < (select t2.dttm
from mytable t2
order by t2.dttm desc
offset 4 fetch first 1 row only


If the above doesn't work in your version, perhaps this does:

update mytable
set flag = 0
where dttm < (select t2.dttm
from (select t2.*, row_number() over (order by t2.dttm desc) as seqnum
from mytable t2
) t2
where seqnum = 5

Unfortunately, offset does not appear to be enabled on the system I'm using.
– user2063351
Aug 3 at 15:57

Do you mean limit 4 fetch first 1 row only?
– user2063351
Aug 3 at 16:33

limit 4 fetch first 1 row only

It looks like limit and offset are both enabled/disabled by the same configuration property, so it doesn't work with that one either.
– user2063351
Aug 3 at 17:20



So, your edit sets the flag equal to 0 for the 4 most recent records where flag = 1, whereas I was trying to get all records except for the 5 most recent. However, I think can use this to get the answer now. Thanks!
– user2063351
Aug 3 at 19:41

@user2063351 . . . I think I fixed the answer.
– Gordon Linoff
Aug 3 at 20:39

This will work on recent versions of Db2 LUW, and is arguably the neatest way to achieve what you want

( select
( select
, row_number() over (order by dttm desc) as seqnum
myTable t
seqnum <= 5
and new_flag <> 0
set new_flag = 0

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