Replace substring in python with matched after modify

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Replace substring in python with matched after modify

I'm trying in python to replace substring in python with matched after modify it.
i have #maZ and expect to replace it by #maZ.

re.sub(t=r'#w',t - 1 , line)

Thank you.

Please provide an Minimal, Complete, and Verifiable example. This won't even compile.
– coldspeed
Aug 11 at 23:11

2 Answers

You don't need Regex for this, str.replace to replace and with null string would do:


In [855]: str_ = '#maZ'

In [856]: str_.replace('', '').replace('', '')
Out[856]: '#maZ'

If you insist on using Regex, use a character class for and , and again replace with null string:

In [857]: re.sub(r'[]', '', str_)
Out[857]: '#maZ'

Edit based on comment:

As you actually want to remove the braces around Q in <math>\mathbbQ, you can use w+ to match one or more of alphanumerics or underscore and put the match in a captured group to refer it in the replacement with re.sub:





In [858]: str_ = '<math>\mathbbQ'

In [859]: re.sub(r'(w+)', r'1', str_)
Out[859]: '<math>\mathbbQ'

It does partially. I have <math>\mathbbQ and after re.sub(r'[]', '', str_) i got <math>\mathbbQ. But i need <math>\mathbbQ. Thank you.
– user3193813
Aug 11 at 23:27

Only braces around Q need to be deleted. Have no idea how to do it
– user3193813
Aug 11 at 23:30

@user3193813 You should use that very example in your question at the first place as thats a whole different thing; check my edits.
– heemayl
Aug 11 at 23:40

<math>\mathbbx01 - What i need to do with "x01". I have a large text and it has Q,Z,E and other patterns. There is an option to stay with character instead of "x01"? Thank you, again
– user3193813
Aug 11 at 23:49

@user3193813 You need to treat the replacement as raw string to prevent Python interpretation beforehand, which is making the replacement x01. Check my edits.
– heemayl
Aug 12 at 0:00


If you have patterns like Q,Z,E it might be an option to use a character class [EQZ] or a specify a range to capture those in a group between curly braces and the replace with the capturing group:




import re
line = "#maZ"
result = re.sub(r"([EQZ])", r"1", line)

if result:
print (result)


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