Export validation rules from Microsoft Access mdb file

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Export validation rules from Microsoft Access mdb file

I have an MDB file which contains a number of tables and forms. Each field has a validation rule such as Is Null Or >=0 And <=255.

Is Null Or >=0 And <=255

This access database is being converted into an online system using MySQL. Exporting all the data is easy using MDBTools (https://github.com/brianb/mdbtools).

However I can't find any way of exporting the validation rules. There are thousands of fields across over 100 tables so it's going to be important to export and import them rather than rewrite each one.

I don't really mind what format they're exported in, any sort of text format so I could do a regular expression or something will be fine.

However I haven't been able to find any information anywhere on exporting these validation rules.

Perhaps if it's not built into access by default then a VB script could be used to find the info and write it to a text file? I'm not really familiar with access or windows at all so if anyone could suggest if that was a possibility that would be great.

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