Get the hostname of the document.referrer and redirect

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Get the hostname of the document.referrer and redirect

Note: Using GreaseMonkey to redirect on the browser

I am aware that I cannot simply place document.refferer.hostname to gather this information. My goal is to redirect the current page I am on to the document.referrer page + desiredPathName

Code Example:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Redirect_ADFS
// @author Eskimonian
// @version 2018.08.16
// @description Auto Redirect ADFS Sites to Internal Login Page
// @run-at document-start
// ==/UserScript==

var url = window.location.href
window.onload = function Redirect()
if(url.indexOf("adfs") > -1)
var refURL=document.createElement('a');
refURL.href = document.referrer;
var refer = refURL.hostname
var newurl = refer + '/admin/?saml=off'

window.location = newurl;

//redirect URL if the currently existing url contains "adfs" in its pathname

Unfortunately, this is the active result of that script:


Auto Redirects to:
/Saml/LogonRequest?logonType=admin to verify the request on the server

Realizing it is ADFS, it redirects AGAIN to their ADFS Login:

My Script then runs: "the URL has "adfs" in it so - lets go back a page, grab the hostname, and add "/admin?saml=off" to it and reload".

However, the actual result is:

Instead of doing what it is supposed to do and replacing with and reloading the page, it is just adding to the URL and then my script re-runs itself in a continuous loop.

I need my script to replace with and reload the page.

Note: This needs to work for more than one domain, so I cannot make this code specific to It has to be specific to the "adfs" being present in the URL.

Updated working Script:

// ==UserScript==
// @name Redirect_ADFS
// @author Eskimonian
// @version 2018.08.20
// @description Auto Redirect ADFS Sites to Internal Login Page
// @run-at document-end
// ==/UserScript==

window.onload = function Redirect()
var currenturl = window.location.href //define current URL
if(currenturl.indexOf("/adfs") > -1)
var newurl = "//" + new URL(document.referrer).hostname + '/admin?saml=off'; //set destination URL
alert("[Eskimo.1] SAML Site Detected. Redirecting to Internal Login page.")
window.location = newurl

//redirect URL if the currently existing url contains "adfs" in its pathname

Resolved. :) It was amending the URL due to me not adding "//" to the string. Updated code above.
– The Eskimonian
Aug 21 at 14:53

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