yield n files from disk

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yield n files from disk

I am trying to read file from the disk and then split it into [features and labels]

[features and labels]

def generator(data_path):
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(data_path):
for _file in files:
if _file.endswith(".txt"):
_contents = list(open(data_path+_file, "r", encoding="UTF8",errors='ignore').readlines())
_contents = [s.strip() for s in _contents]

y_labels = [y_examples for s in _contents]


return [x_text, _y]

I have huge 3.5GB of data in the disk and I cant read it into the memory at the same time. How can I modify this code to generate n files at a time for processing.

for X_batch, y_batch in generator(data_path):
feed_dict = X: X_batch, y: y_batch

Is there an more efficient way to read this huge data in tensorflow?

– halfelf
Aug 6 at 1:21

The question shouldn't be about efficiency. It's about whether the tensorflow model can work with the data in pieces, or must it have all the data in memory at once.
– hpaulj
Aug 6 at 2:32

@hpaulj Can you please guide me how to approach this problem(perhaps a tutorial). I am new to tensorflow
– Rohit
Aug 6 at 4:47

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