Update product price if specific meta_key contains a specific meta_value

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Update product price if specific meta_key contains a specific meta_value

In Wordpress / Woocommerce database there is a wp_postmeta table.


I am try to update the meta_value = '0' where meta_key = '_price' only if another meta_key = 'group' and meta_value = 'glass' exist for the same post_id.

meta_value = '0'

meta_key = '_price'

meta_key = 'group'

meta_value = 'glass'


This is what I have tried:

UPDATE wp_postmeta SET meta_value = '0'
WHERE meta_key = '_price' AND meta_key = 'group' AND meta_value = 'glass';

And This one too:

`meta_value` = '0'
meta_key = '_price'
AND `meta_key` IN (
`meta_value` = 'glass'

Those attempts doesn't work.

How can I update the meta_value = '0' (for meta_key = '_price') only if the meta_key = 'group' and meta_value = 'glass' exist for the same post_id?

meta_value = '0'

meta_key = '_price'

meta_key = 'group'

meta_value = 'glass'


Any help is appreciated.

enter image description here

See: Why should I provide an MCVE for what seems to me to be a very simple SQL query?
– Strawberry
Mar 16 at 12:34

whats the problem?
– useless'MJ
Mar 16 at 12:37

Can you give a bit of context about where the code you pasted comes from and where it is implemented. Are you trying to change a plugin or is that homegrown code? Which hooks are you relying on; What is the error that you have? Is it a SQL question or Woocommerce or a Wordpress question?
– amirouche
Mar 16 at 19:20

1 Answer

Try this:

UPDATE wp_postmeta as pm
INNER JOIN wp_postmeta as pm2 on pm.post_id = pm2.post_id
SET pm.meta_value = '0'
WHERE pm.meta_key = '_price'
AND pm2.meta_key = 'group'
AND pm2.meta_value = 'glass';

it should work

Thank you so much and have a nice day! Works like a charm)
– Orkhan Hasanli
Mar 16 at 12:54

@OrkhanHasanli Welcome … It's not easy for all skilled SQL fellows here to understand the specificities of Wordpress / Woocommerce, when they are not used to.
– LoicTheAztec
Mar 16 at 12:58

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