Is it posibble to prevent the outer transaction context from rollback even after a exception that marked as rollBackFor thrown?

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Is it posibble to prevent the outer transaction context from rollback even after a exception that marked as rollBackFor thrown?

Suppose a user signup process like this:

public class UserService

private EmailService emailService;
private Jmstemplate jmsTemplate;

@Transactional(rollbackFor = Exception.class)
public void signUp(User user)

//save user to DB, etc

postSignUp(User user);

* Business that not so important
* suppose this method may throw any exception
public void postSignUp(User user)

We make the signUp() method as transactional. if any exception thrown within signUp() method, the transaction will rollback.

And of course, any exception thrown within postSignUp() will also result in the rollback of the transaction.

But, since the logic in postSignUp() was not so important, I wonder how can I prevent the outer transaction from rollback even a exception was thrown within the postSignUp() method?


You possibly could surround your postSignUp(User user); call with a try/catch block to handle any exception during that call. Question is more like if the user can't log in, is it worth recording the event?
– DamCx
Jul 3 at 10:03

postSignUp(User user);


It is feasible. Any other elegant way except use try/catch?
– Wuaner
Jul 4 at 1:16


True, exception handling isn't particularly elegant, but it is mandatory for clean code.
– DamCx
Jul 4 at 6:10

1 Answer

Have you tried noRollbackFor property of Transactional?



It goes like:


But postSignUp() may throw any exception, and I don't like surrounding the whole method with try/catch and re-throw it as a custom exception.
– Wuaner
Jul 4 at 1:14

This is a clean way of coding, though
– DamCx
Jul 4 at 6:09

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