
Showing posts from September 12, 2018

How to display Test Cases details in Jenkins Console Output?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP How to display Test Cases details in Jenkins Console Output? I want to display Excel(XLSX) Test cases id,description and status while running selenium testng execution in the Jenkins Console output,below is the format. TC_ID|Test Cases Description|Status TC01|Verify Login Home|PASS TC02|Verify Login Screen|FAIL In case any one did this type of model please help me to achieve this in Jenkins Output Console. Just to get you right, you mean that the content would be displayed post test class execution ? @Rajesh Om – AutomatedOwl Aug 9 at 13:45 @AutomatedOwl Yes post test class execution,Can you please provide code – Rajesh Om Aug 9 at 16:24 2 Answers 2 If you are using TestNG in your project, anything you log using Reporter class will be also printed in Jenkins console output : Reporter.log("This will be displayed in the TestNG report AND in Jenkins console"); Note : You need to add the following import : import org.testng.R

Spliting numbers into different colums using vba

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Spliting numbers into different colums using vba This is my excel sheet: I need to split numbers into beside columns without pull stops, I'm new to VBA can u please suggest me how to write code. enter image description here I want to get data into like this Thank you Is there a reason why you tagged with Java? – Tim Biegeleisen Aug 10 at 5:47 I guess you are not new with google, however. Try googling “splitting numbers into different columns with vba” and get some inspiration to write some code. Then, if you get stuck with something, come back here with your code and its issues – DisplayName Aug 10 at 6:06 Use split() on . to get an array of values, then populate each array into the adjacent columns. – Tim Williams Aug 10 at 6:11 split() . And probably use trim() to get rid of the preceding spaces. – Pᴇʜ Aug 10 at 6:13 trim() I have tried googling but it is showing about how to decimal numbers into whole numbe

To create key value pairs according to user input in an array in swift

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP To create key value pairs according to user input in an array in swift I need to create an array of key-value pairs to a key "availabilities" according to user inputs in the following format to post the data. Confused about how to do that. "availabilities" "availabilities": [ "availabilites_start_time": "6:00", "availabilites_end_time": "10:00", "availabilites_dayofweek": "1.", "availabilites_shift": "Morning" ], what you have tried? – iVarun Aug 10 at 4:25 Does my answer works for you? – iVarun Aug 10 at 6:40 3 Answers 3 Hope this will helps: var availabilitiesDict = [String: Any]() availabilitiesDict["availabilities"] = [["availabilites_start_time" : "6:00", "availabilites_end_time": "10:00", "availabilites_dayofweek" : "1.", "availabilites_sh

SQL Concating results from a result set

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP SQL Concating results from a result set I am not getting the required result from what i have tried. This is my mstTraineeStaff Table - CREATE TABLE [dbo].[MstTraineeStaff]( [Code] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL, [GroupCode] [int] NOT NULL, [StaffName] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL, [Role] [nvarchar](60) NOT NULL, CONSTRAINT [PK_MstTraineeStaff] PRIMARY KEY CLUSTERED ( [Code] ASC )WITH (PAD_INDEX = OFF, STATISTICS_NORECOMPUTE = OFF, IGNORE_DUP_KEY = OFF, ALLOW_ROW_LOCKS = ON, ALLOW_PAGE_LOCKS = ON) ON [PRIMARY] ) ON [PRIMARY] Records in TraineeSTaff Table - INSERT [dbo].[MstTraineeStaff] ([Code], [GroupCode], [StaffName], [Role]) VALUES (1, 11, N'Parth', N'manager') INSERT [dbo].[MstTraineeStaff] ([Code], [GroupCode], [StaffName], [Role]) VALUES (2, 11, N'krunal', N'developer') INSERT [dbo].[MstTraineeStaff] ([Code], [GroupCode], [StaffName], [Role]) VALUES (3, 11, N'dhara', N'developer') INSERT [dbo].[Ms

CORS issue in same domain

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP CORS issue in same domain I have an application which runs in like URL in "abc" domain. (abc is not the real domain, it is for explaining the question). When I tried to access the application from the above mention application I'm getting following error message in the developer console and redirection won't happen. Failed to load Redirect from '' to '' has been blocked by CORS policy: No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource. Origin '' is therefore not allowed access. Why is this CORS error happening even though both applications use the same domain name? How to resolve this? This redirection do from the Nodejs side. Client-side use angularjs. NodeJs redirection code snippet as shown below, function redirectApp(req,

spring boot web app for authentication/autorization using AWS Cognito Java API

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP spring boot web app for authentication/autorization using AWS Cognito Java API AWS Cognito primarly meant for Serverless user authentication from Mobile or Web application (Javascript). The primary concern is that, we need to do client implementation for each of the client like Android, IOS and Javascript. Instead of that can we have spring boot server which will expose a login/signup/action rest endpoint for all the above clients where the spring boot will authenticate/signup with Congnito on behalf of the clients and send the access_token response back to the client. This way, Conginto integration will be done only in one place which is the Spring boot application. Can we go ahead with this approach? Does AWS SDK supports Java for cognito access from Server? 1 Answer 1 Here's an article which shows an example of implementing a Spring boot application that is able to authenticate the user against Amazon Cognito using OAuth 2.0 authorization

Error: Browser auto increments number in json response

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Error: Browser auto increments number in json response I have an API, that returns a JSON object. One of the keys of the JSON object has the value of type 'array of integers'. The issue is browser increments the numbers in the array by 1 when receiving it from API. Here is the API response received from browser and postman: THe one received from the postman is the actual data. Why browser behaves erroneously? Browser : Postman : By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy, and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

lighten the background colour from another class

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP lighten the background colour from another class Can we use lighten, Darken CSS attributes without colour value? I have a class with the background colour Ex: .master background-color:green; <div class="master">Master</div> I have to lighten the background of the "Div" using a different CSS class. How can I do that? Note: I have a few themes and predefined background colours so I have to use those colours and have a shade of it using a different class Opacity is not what I'm looking for. Welcome to SO, Please add your code into snippet, so someone has quickly fixed your issue. Have a nice day!! – jaydeep patel Aug 10 at 5:08 Can you use SCSS ? – Arkellys Aug 10 at 6:17 @Arkellys I'm using LESS in my project – Raashid A. Aug 10 at 6:18 @RaashidA. Okay, have you tried to use the lighten() function ? That the only thing I can think of right know. – Arkellys Aug 10 at 6:20 lighten()

Pentaho User Console login incorrectly redirecting to licensing page

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Pentaho User Console login incorrectly redirecting to licensing page I am in the process of adapting the security configurations to LDAP on the Pentaho BI-server. I made the modifications a while back (simply to direct Pentaho where the LDAP references were), and the login process worked just fine. No other modifications have been made to the configuration. However, the free month trial that I had been using ran out, and I had to switch to an Enterprise license. Ever since then, I have been having problems with the login. I am using a Firefox browser on a Linux VM. When I enter my LDAP login credentials (that I am sure are correct and working) (Screenshot 1: Normal-appearing login screen hosted at localhost:8080/pentaho/Login) I am redirected to the page I first saw when my free trial ran out (Screenshot 2). I see the error Missing or expired license. To continue you must update your Pentaho BI Platform license. If you are not ready now you may log

Linux: find file names with 4 or 5 characters

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Linux: find file names with 4 or 5 characters How can I find file names consisting of either 4 or 5 characters? For file names with 4 characters, I can use find . -name ????.tgz , but how to I expand this to length either 4 or 5? find . -name ????.tgz If you can use find to get all files with 4 character long names, and use it to get all files with 5 character long names... well... it does have an or operator that would let you get both. – Shawn Aug 10 at 5:37 Is there a better way of doing than using two finds with an operator in between? – OpenSourceEnthusiast Aug 10 at 5:39 It only takes one find invocation... – Shawn Aug 10 at 5:42 Please avoid "Give me the codez" questions. Instead show the script you are working on and state where the problem is. Also see How much research effort is expected of Stack Overflow users? – jww Aug 10 at 7:23 @jww You didn't read the question carefully. OP did write a find

Why does Node.js' fs.readFile() return a buffer instead of string?

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Why does Node.js' fs.readFile() return a buffer instead of string? I'm trying to read the content of test.txt (which is on the same folder of the Javascript source) and display it using this code: test.txt var fs = require("fs"); fs.readFile("test.txt", function (err, data) if (err) throw err; console.log(data); ); The content of the test.txt was created on nano : test.txt nano Testing Node.js readFile() And I'm getting this: Nathan-Camposs-MacBook-Pro:node_test Nathan$ node main.js <Buffer 54 65 73 74 69 6e 67 20 4e 6f 64 65 2e 6a 73 20 72 65 61 64 46 69 6c 65 28 29> Nathan-Camposs-MacBook-Pro:node_test Nathan$ 6 Answers 6 From the docs: If no encoding is specified, then the raw buffer is returned. Which might explain the <Buffer ...> . Specify a valid encoding, for example utf-8 , as your second parameter after the filename. Such as, <Buffer ...> utf-8 fs.readFile("test.txt", &qu

mysqlcluster create table get error 708

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP mysqlcluster create table get error 708 when I created table in mysqlcluster 7.5.17,I got the error message like Got error 708 'No more attribute metadata records (increase MaxNoOfAttributes)' from NDBCLUSTER so I used ndb_config -q MaxNoOfAttributes got the number for MaxNoOfAttributes was 40960, I select columns from information_schema get number is 28777 select count(*) from information_schema.COLUMNS where TABLE_SCHEMA not in ('mysql','information_schema','ndbinfo','performance_schema','sys'); +----------+ | count(*) | +----------+ | 28777 | +----------+ I want to know the MaxNoOfAttributes params where is limit? By clicking "Post Your Answer", you acknowledge that you have read our updated terms of service, privacy policy and cookie policy, and that your continued use of the website is subject to these policies.

How to avoid selected values to be copied to the next row in Vuetify

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP How to avoid selected values to be copied to the next row in Vuetify I have used Vuetify DataTables, in that DataTable I have multiple rows along with save button above the table. DataTable save button Inside the Datatable , Datatable textfield select When I write something in the text field and select the values from drop down select and click the save button , that row is moved from one page to another page. text field select button Problem Whatever selected from the drop-down and written in the textfield is get copied to the next row or you can say it is there for the next row which occupies the place for the moved row. textfield I want that it should not be there, i.e the textfield should be blank and no value will be selected for the next row. textfield Code : <v-card v-if="resultedvalue"> <v-card-title> <v-text-field append-icon="search" v-bind:label="$t('')" singl

Unity3d: Version2018.2 TouchInputModule obsolete

Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Unity3d: Version2018.2 TouchInputModule obsolete I am recently working on a project and I need to create custom events for different input methods/devices. Since the latest Unity update the Input.Touch method is not working anymore. Right now i am not able to find a method to get a touch input, that is that easy to use as Input.GetTouch (etc)... Input.GetTouch I dont know what i am not seeing here. I feel like there must be a very easy way to get the count and position of fingers touching the display. I spent today failing on recieving a data set that I got with the 2018.1 Version using one line of code. If someone could show me a solution for this problem I would be very grateful! Temporary solution: I finally solved this super annoying problem. edit> Project Settings> Input> Active Input Handling> (was "both") set to: "Input Manager" Since my project is a group project and we use a lot of plugins and assets from o