Convert case of an HTML page to lower in R

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Convert case of an HTML page to lower in R

I need to convert all content of an HTML page to lower. But I got an error.


url <- ""
request <- GET(url)
doc <- htmlParse(request, encoding = "UTF-8")
doc <- str_to_lower(doc)

Error in as.vector(x, "character") : cannot coerce type
'externalptr' to vector of type 'character'

My need is to keep the XML structure of the doc cause I will have to use xpath.

Thanks for your help!

Thanks for your reply but I can't... I first need to convert all elements in lower before to extract them. I have chosen this method cause I have to extract element that match a list I have created and by converting all elements in lower ( + removing all accents) before, that allows me to reduce the number of elements in my list.
– Remi
Aug 3 at 15:08

I would try doc <- content(request, "text").
– Stéphane Laurent
Aug 4 at 21:23

doc <- content(request, "text")

1 Answer

You can attempt to convert the doc into characters, change the case and then repeat the parsing into HTML code.


url <- ""
request <- GET(url)

#convert to character then covert case

#reread the new doc to convert back to html
doc <- htmlParse(newdoc, encoding = "UTF-8")

This should create the desired readable document.

Hello @Dave2e, thanks for your reply but this doesn't work. There is an error when creating the newdoc variable : Error in as.vector(x, "character") : cannot coerce type 'externalptr' to vector of type 'character'
– Remi
Aug 4 at 20:39

@Remi, Sorry corrected error. Need to change case of the Get(URL) call and not the htmlParse. See above, this should work now.
– Dave2e
Aug 6 at 1:56

Thanks Dave2e, It works now but there is one thing that is strange in the doc variable. All content attribute in meta and other tags have been transformed. For exemple a meta description like this <meta http-equiv="description" name="description" content="hello I am a meta description">, now looks like this <meta http-equiv="description" name="description" content="hello" I am a meta description> (The quotation marks are closing on the first word inside the content attribute). Do you have any idea how to fix it?
– Remi
Aug 6 at 9:29

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