How to fix npm audit fix issues?

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How to fix npm audit fix issues?

enter image description here

This shows up when I try to npm install, and all of them required manual review. I've tried to visit this to check for more info and apparently it's because my lodash is of version 4.17.4. So I've then run npm install --save lodash@4.17.5 and checked my package.json to make sure it's reflecting correctly.

npm install



npm install --save lodash@4.17.5


However, it seems the vulnerabilities is still there. Wondering if I fix it the wrong way?

As per requested, the body of package.json

"lodash": "^4.17.5",

in your package.json what do you have for lodash in dependencies? Post the actual string in the question body please.
– Akrion
Aug 8 at 16:52



@Akrion: Yes it does have
– Isaac
Aug 9 at 2:10

Wait ... it talks about the react-native-cached-image that lib has that issue since it probably has dependency on that older version of lodash no? Can you see in that lib what does it say in its package.json?
– Akrion
Aug 9 at 2:12



Yep in that lib you have 4.17.4 just checked in their github @…
– Akrion
Aug 9 at 2:14


1 Answer

Issue is related to the react-native-cached-image package having a dependency on lodash 4.17.4 as you can see here:



In that case I can only wait until the package owner to update the dependency on their own? Or for the local version I can work something about it?
– Isaac
Aug 9 at 2:22

Possible to navigate into the node_module and doing an npm update on this package?
– Isaac
Aug 9 at 2:23

Their latest version is v1.4.3. If you are on that version then you can either wait (and maybe open an issue on their repo to address this) or you could also fork their repo and make the change yourself. See if that fixes it. This way at least you know for sure what is the problem and what the solution.
– Akrion
Aug 9 at 2:25



If you fork and change it ... if there are no side-effects/bugs you can push a PR and see if they accept it etc.
– Akrion
Aug 9 at 2:26

Any luck? Ware you able to prove that changing the lodash version in that package fixes the issue?
– Akrion
Aug 9 at 16:07

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