evaluate relational operator from a string

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evaluate relational operator from a string

I have relational expressions stored in a database, that i have as strings in an iOS app. I would like to evaluate the conditions within the strings in C#, similar to the logic in the following psudo code:

string str1= "x > 0";
string str2= "y < 1";

int x = 1;
int y=0;

if(str1 && str2)

//do stuff

– Arslan Ali
Aug 6 at 0:00

It really would help if you explained why you need to do this.
– Dour High Arch
Aug 6 at 0:02

I agree, if they are simple numerical comparisons, and they are related to entities within your database, you could easily just do this in a table, with min max and enum to choose the variable your comparing with and so forth. this could be fast , server side, and easy as a LINQ / EF expression
– Saruman
Aug 6 at 0:06


2 Answers

If the expressions are simple like the one in the example, then you can simply parse them. But if you have more complex expressions in mind, then I recommend taking a look at C# Expression Trees. The documentation does a good job of explaining it.

A much easier method would be to use library like: https://github.com/davideicardi/DynamicExpresso

Thank You. It was exactly what I needed
– Mike Wiggens 442
Aug 10 at 0:55

@MikeWiggens442 I'd appreciate it if you marked it as accepted answer then :D
– Encrypt0r
Aug 11 at 6:58

I am sorry, I had not checked this and did not see your comment. I marked you as accepted answer just now
– Mike Wiggens 442
Aug 28 at 7:28

Use Afk Expression Library (Afk link)
and try following code it will solve your problem as I sorted out.

Required NameSpace

using Afk.Expression;

Your code for sending expression as string to library evaluator

string str1 = "x > 0";
string str2 = "y < 1";

int x = 10;
int y = 0;
var st1=str1.Replace("x",x.ToString());
var st2 = str2.Replace("y", y.ToString());
if (Eval(st2) && Eval(st1))


Eval Method evaluate mathematical and conditional expression

bool Eval(string st)

ExpressionEval eval = new ExpressionEval(st);
return Convert.ToBoolean(eval.Evaluate().ToString());

As well read for more other libraries that you can utilize for your as such problems.

kindly marked as accepted
– Arslan Ali
Aug 6 at 1:04

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