connect 2 websockets ws and

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connect 2 websockets ws and

I'm getting data from a web page with websocket but I need to deploy it with socketIO to client. In my server.js client connects with socketio well but after that data(line1 line2) can't comes properly, always I need to restart server 2-3 times.Then it comes.

Here is my declerations

var server = require('http').Server(app);
var io = require('')(server);
const WebSocket = require('ws')
const wss = new WebSocket('gettingDataAdress');

io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log("client connected");

wss.on('open', () =>
console.log("send processing");
wss.on('message', () =>
console.log("getting message processing");

After restarting my server.js 2-3 times it can comes to line1 and line2 , it can't directly.However whenever I comment the socketio Part(I mean only websocket working) it works perfect.How can I do that ? Thank you

I think you are mixing up with plain web sockets, just use one, in your case
– Alexandru Olaru
Mar 22 at 6:05

Could you please show all the code include the declaration of wss ?
– edkeveked
Mar 22 at 6:07


@AlexandruOlaru I have to use websocket to get data and post with socketio
– gnncrdm
Mar 22 at 6:11

@edkeveked I'm editting code you can check it
– gnncrdm
Mar 22 at 6:12

wss and runs on different ports?
– Artur P.
Mar 22 at 6:12

2 Answers

You are using two different websockets ws and Use only one to connect to the client and subscribe to the coming messages


io.on('connection', function (socket) {
console.log("client connected");

socket.on('open', () =>
console.log("send processing");
socket.on('message', () =>
console.log("getting message processing");

const WebSocket = require('ws');

const ws = new WebSocket('url');

ws.on('open', () =>
//do processing

ws.on('message', () =>
//do processing

But the data provider gives the data with websocket I have to connect them ?Can I do it with socket io because provider links like ws://http
– gnncrdm
Mar 22 at 6:16

Definitely, you can. You simply need to use the correct url to subscribe with
– edkeveked
Mar 22 at 6:24

Do I need to define 2, const wss = new WebSocket("''); because one for api provider one for my client ?
– gnncrdm
Mar 22 at 6:29

Yes you can do that since they won't listen using the same url
– edkeveked
Mar 22 at 6:32

Thank you whenever i try i ll share the result with you thank you
– gnncrdm
Mar 22 at 6:33

wanted to write a comment but had no reputation to write, so decide write on here. sorry!

If you want to subscribe, rather use However, socket-io itself is not a proper library to subscribe wss.



actually, Socket.IO is not a WebSocket implementation, it has its own protocol which may use a WebSocket connection to transmit data
-darrachequesne-(most contributor of socket-io client library)

so If you get data from wss page, then use ws library and spread it by socket-io. I believe that what you are doing is pretty fine. might need to fix a bit though.

Connecting to GDAX websocket api using with webpack
there is similar question to get data from ws.

This does not provide an answer to the question. Once you have sufficient reputation you will be able to comment on any post; instead, provide answers that don't require clarification from the asker. - From Review
– rsjaffe
Aug 6 at 3:20

@rsjaffe I already mentioned
– Hongssi Ice
Aug 6 at 3:35

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