How to change your app's target API using flash CS6

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How to change your app's target API using flash CS6

I tried uploading APK to google play but get this error:

Your app currently targets API level 21 and must target at least API level 26 to ensure it is built on the latest APIs optimized for security and performance. Change your app's target API level to at least 26

How would one change the API level in Flash CS6?

So if you really insist on using CS6 you may need to manually download and place the SDK in the folder within the CS6's installation directory.
– quantomworks
Aug 6 at 5:39

2 Answers

To specify an Android target SDK for your Adobe AIR Android application you need to add the uses-sdk node to your manifest additions in your application descriptor.


You can add any of the values below. Normally we specify a target and a minimum version in our applications (however you can also add a maxSdkVersion option if you need it).


<manifest android:installLocation="auto">

android:targetSdkVersion="26" />



First download the SDK version you wish to use from, then extract the sdk zip somewhere, and finally select Help > Manage AIR SDK... from Flash CS6, and click plus icon to add a new sdk path.

hello, so I tried doing this but every SDK past like 24 or 25 i get this error when I try publishing
– DakFlash
Aug 6 at 14:19

dx tool failed:Cannot create java virtual machine. do you know how to get this error fixed so I can try a higher SDK?
– DakFlash
Aug 6 at 14:19

Can't be sure, but you could try installing different versions of Java, and maybe raising memory limit in jvm.ini
– kaarto
Aug 6 at 15:56

so if I manage to get the java virtual machine error to go away.. the new AIR SDK would in theory make my API higher? And is this the only way? Maybe there is a way to target an API through the app XML file? thanks
– DakFlash
Aug 6 at 20:37

When you add new SDKs, you get new options for AIR Target in Publish Settings, and changing the option modifies also the XML.
– kaarto
Aug 7 at 2:23

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