Removing characters with sed

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Removing characters with sed

I am working on AIX unix and trying to remove non-printable characters from file the data looks like Caucasian male lives in Arizona w/ fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ in file when I view in Notepad++ using UTF-8 encoding. When I try to view file in unix I get ^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒ instead of the special characters.

Caucasian male lives in Arizona w/ fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ

I want to replace all those special characters with space.

I tried sed 's/[^[:print:]]/ /g' file but it does not remove those characters.My locale are listed below when I run locale -a

's/[^[:print:]]/ /g' file

locale -a


I even tried sed -e 's/[^ -~]/ /g' file and it did not remove the characters.

sed -e 's/[^ -~]/ /g' file

I see that others stackflow answers used UTF-8 locale with GNU sed and this worked but I do not have that locale.


Also I am using ksh.


à and look pretty printable to me. A UTF-8 à is encoded as 0xc3 0x83. 0xc3 in iso8859-1 or 15 is also à as it happens which is printable, 0x83 would be a control character in both though
– Stéphane Chazelas
5 hours ago




Possible dublicate…
– Goro
4 hours ago

@Goro Yes at this point its is possibly a duplicate now that I understand to use C locale
– Auguster
4 hours ago

To actually show what the characeters are it is useful to show their hex values. Something like: echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | od -tx1, or, maybe if your sed supports it: echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | sed -n l.
– Isaac
3 hours ago

echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | od -tx1

echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | sed -n l

Possible duplicate of Match language range in shell, sed or awk
– Isaac
3 hours ago

2 Answers

You can use the command tr as follows:


tr -cd '[:print:]trn'


Any character from the `[:space:]' class, and any character that is not in the `[:graph:]' class
r -- return
t -- horizontal tab

Examples based on Centos 7:tris GNU and UTF-8 encoding

based on Centos 7:

is GNU and UTF-8 encoding

$ echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | tr -cd '[:print:]trn'

$ echo "get ^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒ " | tr -cd '[:print:]trn'
get ^^^^^^

echo " Caucasian male lives in Arizona w/ fianc▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒" | tr -cd '[:print:]trn'
Caucasian male lives in Arizona w/ fianc^^^^^^^^^^^^

That did not work for me I tried echo " Caucasian male lives in Arizona w/ fianc▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒" | tr -d '[:print:]' and got output as some unreadable text
– Auguster
5 hours ago

" Caucasian male lives in Arizona w/ fianc▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒▒^▒" | tr -d '[:print:]'

LC_ALL=C tr ...
– Jeff Schaller
5 hours ago

LC_ALL=C tr ...

LC_ALL=C tr -cd '[:print:]' < input works here
– Jeff Schaller
5 hours ago

LC_ALL=C tr -cd '[:print:]' < input

echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | tr -cd '[:print:]trn' should return fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂàas  is a printable character. GNU tr doesn't in UTF8 as it doesn't support multi-byte characters yet, but it does in iso8859-1. In the C locale on systems where the C locale charset is ASCII, that does remove  (or whatever bytes those are made of) as ASCII has no such character in the first place.
– Stéphane Chazelas
2 hours ago

echo "fiancÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂÃÂ" | tr -cd '[:print:]trn'





Because CentOS tr is GNU tr and you probably tried it in a UTF-8 locale where à is made of 2 bytes and GNU tr doesn't support multibyte characters. If you use LC_ALL=C as suggested by Auguster, it will work (at removing those à however they're encoded) regardless of whether tr supports multibyte characters or not. In the C locale, all characters are single bytes, and on most systems including AIX, the C locale charset is ASCII that has no character with the 8th bit set (which each byte of the UTF-8 encoding of à has as well as its single byte iso8859-1 encoding)
– Stéphane Chazelas
2 hours ago








If the current locale already uses UTF-8 as the charset (and file is written using that charset):

<file LC_ALL=C sed 's/[^ -~]//g'

Or, to include control characters in AIX sed:

<file LC_ALL=C sed "$(printf "s/[^[:print:]tr]//g")"

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