Selecting shape by shapeid VBA powerpoint

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Selecting shape by shapeid VBA powerpoint

I want to select a Shape by shapeid. My assumption from reading is that shape id is unique, the shape index seems to change with any change to file so I want the ID. Each search I make yields examples where people say that you should not bother to do this, but no explanation of how one would do it.

The best I found was someone who did a loop through the whole index to find which index number matched a specific ID. That seems terribly inefficient. I want to find shape ids of specific shapes that users will interact with on a touchscreen. Major apologies for any confusion I am typing this on phone. The example code obviously doesn't work since the index and Id do not match. It was just written to return ids of the shapes I touched and when they did not match index I added glow to see which shape in index it was.

Is my only option to run a loop of all shapes in index to see if I'd matched? Any short cut would be greatly appreciated.

Sub test(tshp)
radius =20


End sub

Why not refer to shapes by shape names? They are unique too, and you can refer to them directly, and can make a lot more sense if you customize them appropriately... (and can even end with a unique number if you like!) More info: MSDN: Shape.Name Property
– ashleedawg
Aug 6 at 2:55


I have read that shape names are not unique. They can be duplicates from what I read. If that is inaccurate then yes shape names would be much easier to deal with. From what I read names are only unique to a slide not a presentation. I suppose I could name everything manually, that seems tedious though.
– sxotty
Aug 6 at 3:07

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