Table referencing multiple tables. Error in save “Referential integrity constraint violation.”

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Table referencing multiple tables. Error in save “Referential integrity constraint violation.”

I have tables in the following structure.

Table1 Key, DocKey, Name

Table2 Key, DocKey, Name

Table3 Key, DocKey, Name

Table4 Key, DocKey, T1Key, T2Key, T3Key, Name, Value

I have defined the foreign key relation ship in the following way. What i am trying to do is, to make the T4 dependent and have navigational properties to T1, T2 and T3.

.HasRequired<Table3>(d => d.Table3Nav)
.HasForeignKey(k => new k.DocKey, k.T3Key );

.HasRequired<Table2>(d => d.Table2Nav)
.HasForeignKey(k => new k.DocKey, k.T2Key );

.HasRequired<Table1>(d => d.Table1Nav)
.HasForeignKey(k => new k.DocKey, k.T1Key );

I am able to add objects, but when i am trying to save, i am getting the following error. tried searching through similar errors, but unable to figure out what need to change. Please assist.


public int SaveDoc(Doc Document)

if (Document.Key == 0)

var currDoc = data.Docs.Where(x => x.Key == Document.Key).FirstOrDefault();


return Document.Key;

Referential integrity constraint violation. A Dependent Role has
multiple principals with different values.

Try setting WillCascadeOnDelete(false) for all modelBuilder.Entity<Table4> definitions. Which code that attempts to add (and save) new objects?
– Tetsuya Yamamoto
Aug 6 at 2:03



@TetsuyaYamamoto, added that but still gives the error. I have updated the question to include the saving. is anything need to be done there? I am adding and deleting entities in the Business logic before i send the object to the save function.
– Hybridzz
Aug 6 at 2:12

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