Netlogo: how to register the tick-advance counter as a variable?

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Netlogo: how to register the tick-advance counter as a variable?

I would like to register the tick-advance counter as a variable and use it for calculation in mathematical formulas, for example, (A + B) * tickadvance. However, Netlogo seems to be unable to register the tick-advance counter as a variable. Below is a sample syntax where "Expected reporter" error has been issued. This does not go well.

globals [tickadvance example-f]
set tickadvance (tick-advance 0.001) ;"Expected reporter" is occurring with this syntax.
set example-f ((A + B) * tickadvance)

Any advice?

2 Answers

You need to do it the other way around. In setup you can include set tickadvance 0.001, and then in your code, you can call tick-advance tickadvance.


set tickadvance 0.001

tick-advance tickadvance

Alternatively, if you really just want ticks, see the answer of @JensB.


If you are simply wanting the value of the counter, then you just need ticks (that is, tick is the command to advance the counter, and ticks reports the current value of the counter, note the s at the end)




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