Get Drawn Data from Google Maps

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Get Drawn Data from Google Maps

I'm using the Google Maps JavaScript API. I've added a DrawingManager, and can draw custom shapes over the base map. How do I access the shape data that I drew?


The DrawingManager doesn't seem to have any data getters, and my Map's data property appears empty even when a drawing is present:



data => console.log(e))
>>> Object type: "FeatureCollection", features:

Would the downvoter care to explain? I'm happy to add more details if the question isn't clear enough.
– Xavier Holt
2 hours ago

Related question: google maps API - “toGeoJson” returns object with geometry null
– geocodezip
41 mins ago

Related question: GMap Drawing tools to image jpeg (static map URL)
– geocodezip
41 mins ago

Thanks @geocodezip! I notice that both of those answers "access" the data by either copying it or manually storing references to it. Would you say that this is the best approach, and that there's no way to access the drawn geometry directly?
– Xavier Holt
21 mins ago

The DrawingManager doesn't provide access to the drawn objects, other than in the "complete" event listeners (or at least didn't last I looked, that might change, but I'm not expecting it to)
– geocodezip
10 mins ago

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