Rails Routing: Set specific controller action to a different path

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Rails Routing: Set specific controller action to a different path

I am looking to set the show action for a controller to a specific path (a path without the controller prefix). I know this can be done by controller by doing this


resources :items, path: ''

But is there a way to do this on only one specific action within the controller?

My end goal is to be able to say www.example.com/my-item-name and take the user to the item without changing the URL. I tried using a catchall route but redirecting adds the prefix back which I do not want.


Any ideas?

2 Answers

You can specify which controller and action respond to a certain route in your routes.rb file, like this:


get 'something', to: 'controller_name#action_name'

See Rails Routing Guide.

You can define single routes manually with the match, get,post, put, macros:





get :bar, to: 'foos#bar'
get :bar, controller: 'foos' # works the same as above
post :bar, to: 'foos#bar'

You can also use scope if you want to route multiple routes to the same controller more elegantly:


scope controller: 'foos' do
get :bar
get :baz

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