Address prompt results in unexpected map on iOS Google Assistant

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Address prompt results in unexpected map on iOS Google Assistant

I have an action designed for smart speakers, for which it works quite well. It prompts for an address, then via webhook, fulfills that particular request (in this case the back end reaches out to a third party to verify the address format and complete the address.

But when I invoke on Google Assistant for iOS on my iPhone 8, the skill prompts for an address, then responds with a map, and ends the conversation (at no point is a map supposed to be present).

I am using Dialogflow -> @sys.address to capture the response to the prompt. I'm lost as to why this would happen.

Any ideas ?

"the skill prompts for an address, then responds with a map, and ends the conversation" can you show a screenshot or provide more information on this interaction?
– matthewayne
Aug 6 at 20:18

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