How to execute powershell/cmd commands using gnuwin32 Makefiles?

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How to execute powershell/cmd commands using gnuwin32 Makefiles?

I try to use commands like curl, rm, start in makefiles in Windows using the following makefile processor:

It does not seem to be possible, rather it seems like I am very limited with the commands. Which ways are there to extend my set of commands?

I would appreciate any help. Thanks

That's a very old version of GNU make. You can build the latest version from source very easily for yourself, or you can get a newer version pre-built from Eli Zaretskii's ezwinports project:
– MadScientist
Aug 5 at 19:15

thanks for information - I appreciate it!
Aug 6 at 6:57

2 Answers

If you're content with a Windows-only solution, you can make do with invoking powershell.exe directly from your Makefile, as in your answer.



However, I strongly suggest avoiding Unix-like PowerShell aliases such as curl for Invoke-WebRequest and rm for Remove-Item, because while their purpose is similar in the abstract, their syntax is generally very different. Just use PowerShell's native command names to avoid ambiguity.





Note that using Shell := <default shell executable> appears to be ignored by the Windows port of make you link to.

Shell := <default shell executable>


If you want cross-platform compatibility:

either: Use WSL, which offers you a choice of Linux distros in which both make and the standard Unix utilities are natively available - you then need neither cmd.exe nor PowerShell.



and/or: Use PowerShell Core and invoke your commands as follows:

pwsh -noprofile -command <your command>

SHELL := pwsh -NoProfile


Thanks for the further suggestions, maybe I will go with Powershell Core, because of the subjectively more intuitive command structure and because a Linux dependency (even if it is only WSL) would definitively not be appropriate at the current use case. I removed the command.
Aug 6 at 7:09

You can use the power of powershell by prefixing the corresponding commands with powershell.


.PHONY: psStuff

powershell <your command>
powershell curl
powershell rm -r folder
powershell start

I don't use Windows much but does it work to set the SHELL variable to powershell (perhaps with an appropriate path?)
– MadScientist
Aug 5 at 19:16



@MadScientist: Good suggestion, but it seems that SHELL is ignored altogether in this Windows port of make.
– mklement0
Aug 6 at 1:37



actually, I was looking for a Windows only solution, more specifically I only wanted to break out of the limited and (undocumented?) capabilities of wingnu32. So this was a solution to that :)
Aug 6 at 7:09

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