How to convert Linq result to Datatable (using datatable not context)

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How to convert Linq result to Datatable (using datatable not context)

How can i convert linq result to data table?

Dim result = (From e In dsCart.Tables(0).AsEnumerable()
Group e By
DistNum = e("DistNum"),
DistributorName = e("DistributorName"),
SourceID = e("SourceID")
Into Group
Select New With
.DistNum = DistNum,
.DistributorName = DistributorName,
.TotalOrderAmt = Group.Sum(Function(x) x.Field(Of Decimal)("ExtendedAmt")),
.ItemQty = Group.Count(Function(x) x.Field(Of Integer)("ItemQty"))

I have come across the following method to convert linq var to data table but i am getting error 'The type arguments for method cannot be inferred from the usage' when calling gv.DataSource = ToDataTable(query)

private Function ToDataTable(Of T)(collection As IEnumerable(Of T)) As DataTable
Dim dt As New DataTable()
Dim _t As Type = GetType(T)
Dim pia As PropertyInfo() = _t.GetProperties()

'Create the columns in the DataTable
For Each pi As PropertyInfo In pia
dt.Columns.Add(pi.Name, If(Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(pi.PropertyType), pi.PropertyType))

'Populate the table
For Each item As T In collection
Dim dr As DataRow = dt.NewRow()
For Each pi As PropertyInfo In pia
dr(pi.Name) = pi.GetValue(item, Nothing)

Return dt
End Function

There is no ToDataTable method or the like so you do exactly what people have been doing since the beginning of .NET to populate a DataTable with data from a list of objects.
– jmcilhinney
8 mins ago



Of course, you could write your own ToDataTable method and then call that here and in similar situations in the future.
– jmcilhinney
8 mins ago


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