How to store AngularFireList observable into array in Ionic 3?

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How to store AngularFireList observable into array in Ionic 3?

I am retrieving data from Firebase using AngularFire2. I have difficulty with storing the observable that is returned into an array. I want to use that array for filtering later.

I use a provider to get data:

import AngularFireList, AngularFireDatabase from
'angularfire2/database'; //*
import Injectable from '@angular/core';
import firebase from 'firebase/app'; //*

export class CrudProvider

public storeList: AngularFireList<any>; //*

public afDatabase: AngularFireDatabase //*
this.storeList = this.afDatabase.list('/stores/'); //*

getStores(): AngularFireList<any> //*
return this.storeList; //*

I import the provider and do more operations on the page to display the data.


<ion-searchbar (ioninput)="getItems($event)"></ion-searchbar>
<ion-item *ngFor="let store of storeList | async">


import Observable from 'rxjs/Observable'; //*
import Component from '@angular/core';
import IonicPage, NavController from 'ionic-angular';
import CrudProvider from '../../providers/crud/crud'; //*
import 'rxjs/add/operator/map';

selector: 'page-search',
templateUrl: 'search.html',
export class SearchPage

public storeList: Observable<any>; //*
stores: any;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController,
public crud: CrudProvider //*



this.storeList = this.crud.getStores().valueChanges(); //*

this.storeList.subscribe(store => this.stores.push(store));


The query works successfully and shows data from database on the screen.

The problem is when I try to store the Observable storeList into the stores array. console.log(this.stores) shows an empty array! Therefore, the code above is not working.

The reason that I would like to use an array is that I want to implement a filter using entries from search bar. Observable has not worked well. I want to try it with an array.

Any feedback would be appreciated. Thanks.

this.storeList.subscribe(...) is an asynchronous call and has not been completed when you do console.log(this.stores);. That is why its an empty array (set by this.stores = ;) . Filtering with Observables is perfectly possible and many good examples are available
– Tim Martens
Aug 10 at 6:28



this.stores = ;

Your code is working, you're just logging stores before it's being updated. Put the log inside the subscription and you'll see. this.storeList.subscribe(store => this.stores.push(store); console.log(this.stores); );
– Joseph Webber
Aug 10 at 15:55


this.storeList.subscribe(store => this.stores.push(store); console.log(this.stores); );

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