How do you get the process ID of a program in Unix or Linux using Python?

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How do you get the process ID of a program in Unix or Linux using Python?

I'm writing some monitoring scripts in Python and I'm trying to find the cleanest way to get the process ID of any random running program given the name of that program

something like

ps -ef | grep MyProgram

I could parse the output of that however I thought there might be a better way in python

If you want to work cross-platform (e.g. just as well on Linux, Mac, Solaris, ...) there is no better way than parsing pf output. If it's for a single very specific platform please edit your Q to add that obviously-crucial info (exact OS versions you need to target) and the tag as well!
– Alex Martelli
Sep 21 '10 at 15:08


You can parse the output of the ps directly in python
– Mark
Sep 21 '10 at 15:10

9 Answers

Try pgrep. Its output format is much simpler and therefore easier to parse.


From the standard library:


That gets the pid of the python process not what the user is asking for
– Mark
Sep 21 '10 at 15:09

It is, however, a very good answer for the question's title
– Wayne Conrad
Nov 25 '14 at 21:06

Yes, it got me what I came here for.
– Jorvis
Sep 6 '16 at 16:23

Good answer. Simple is better than complex.
– Yohn
Mar 16 '17 at 4:12

If you are not limiting yourself to the standard library, I like psutil for this.

For instance to find all "python" processes:

>>> import psutil
>>> [ for p in psutil.process_iter(attrs=['pid', 'name']) if 'python' in['name']]
['name': 'python3', 'pid': 21947,
'name': 'python', 'pid': 23835]

Can you please provide an example for the same.
– darth_coder
May 3 '17 at 9:29

For lack of example
– Paullo
Jan 20 at 9:37

Python: How to get PID by process name?

Adaptation to previous posted answers.

def getpid(process_name):
import os
return [item.split()[1] for item in os.popen('tasklist').read().splitlines()[4:] if process_name in item.split()]

['6560', '3244', '9024', '4828']

For Windows

A Way to get all the pids of programs on your computer without downloading any modules:

import os

pids =
a = os.popen("tasklist").readlines()
for x in a:
for each in pids:

If you just wanted one program or all programs with the same name and you wanted to kill the process or something:

import os, sys, win32api

tasklistrl = os.popen("tasklist").readlines()
tasklistr = os.popen("tasklist").read()


def kill(process):
process_exists_forsure = False
gotpid = False
for examine in tasklistrl:
if process == examine[0:len(process)]:
process_exists_forsure = True
if process_exists_forsure:
print("That process exists.")
print("That process does not exist.")
for getpid in tasklistrl:
if process == getpid[0:len(process)]:
pid = int(getpid[29:34])
gotpid = True
handle = win32api.OpenProcess(1, False, pid)
win32api.TerminateProcess(handle, 0)
print("Successfully killed process %s on pid %d." % (getpid[0:len(prompt)], pid))
except win32api.error as err:
if not gotpid:
print("Could not get process pid.")


prompt = raw_input("Which process would you like to kill? ")

That was just a paste of my process kill program I could make it a whole lot better but it is okay.

With psutil:


(can be installed with [sudo] pip install psutil)

[sudo] pip install psutil

import psutil

# Get current process pid
current_process_pid = psutil.Process().pid
print(current_process_pid) # e.g 12971

# Get pids by program name
program_name = 'chrome'
process_pids = [ for process in psutil.process_iter() if == program_name]
print(process_pids) # e.g [1059, 2343, ..., ..., 9645]

For posix (Linux, BSD, etc... only need /proc directory to be mounted) it's easier to work with os files in /proc

Works on python 2 and 3 ( The only difference is the Exception tree, therefore the "except Exception", which i dislike but kept to maintain compatibility. Also could've created custom exception.)

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import sys

for dirname in os.listdir('/proc'):
if dirname == 'curproc':

with open('/proc//cmdline'.format(dirname), mode='rb') as fd:
content ='x00')
except Exception:

for i in sys.argv[1:]:
if i in content[0]:
# dirname is also the number of PID
print('0:<12 : 1'.format(dirname, ' '.join(content)))

Sample Output (it works like pgrep):

phoemur ~/python $ ./ bash
1487 : -bash
1779 : /bin/bash

This is a simplified variation of Fernando's answer. This is for Linux and either Python 2 or 3. No external library is needed, and no external process is run.

import glob

def get_command_pid(command):
for path in glob.glob('/proc/*/comm'):
if open(path).read().rstrip() == command:
return path.split('/')[2]

Only the first matching process found will be returned, which works well for some purposes. To get the PIDs of multiple matching processes, you could just replace the return with yield, and then get a list with pids = list(get_command_pid(command)).



pids = list(get_command_pid(command))

Alternatively, as a single expression:

For one process:

next(path.split('/')[2] for path in glob.glob('/proc/*/comm') if open(path).read().rstrip() == command)

For multiple processes:

[path.split('/')[2] for path in glob.glob('/proc/*/comm') if open(path).read().rstrip() == command]

The task can be solved using the following piece of code, [0:28] being interval where the name is being held, while [29:34] contains the actual pid.

import os

program_pid = 0
program_name = "notepad.exe"

task_manager_lines = os.popen("tasklist").readlines()
for line in task_manager_lines:
if str(line[0:28]) == program_name + (28 - len(program_name) * ' ': #so it includes the whitespaces
program_pid = int(line[29:34])


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