VBA, code “not responding” in excel 2013, covert to formulas/new code
VBA, code “not responding” in excel 2013, covert to formulas/new code
I have a code below that works perfectly fine in excel 2010. I've upgraded to 2013 and now my excel gets the not responding issue, along with the excel not working.
I've tried replacing this code with 16 formulas, EE2:ET6141. However I found this inefficient, time consuming, and uses much memory.
formula i am using to replace my code:
Logic something like: for each row where A1 = Stackoverflow, BM = value1 or value2 or value3 and BN not in Excel and not in ITS. then get value from EQ_shocks sheet.
It gets the not responding error at this loopIf thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "#EMPTY" Then
I put a breakpoint at the end if
and it takes long or not reponding trying to loop through this big if statement.
If thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "#EMPTY" Then
end if
I also notice this at the for loop , For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
, takes long to respond through breakpoint Next thisScen
I would say it is safe to say its this part of the code.
For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
Next thisScen
Public Sub oldcode()
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Dim i As Long, thisScen As Long, nRows As Long, nCols As Long
Dim stressWS As Worksheet
Set stressWS = Worksheets("EQ_Shocks")
Unprotect_Tab ("EQ_Shocks")
nRows = lastWSrow(stressWS)
nCols = lastWScol(stressWS)
Dim readcols() As Long
ReDim readcols(1 To nCols)
For i = 1 To nCols
readcols(i) = i
Next i
Dim eqShocks() As Variant
eqShocks = colsFromWStoArr(stressWS, readcols, False)
'read in database columns
Dim dataWs As Worksheet
Set dataWs = Worksheets("database")
nRows = lastRow(dataWs)
nCols = lastCol(dataWs)
Dim dataCols() As Variant
Dim riskSourceCol As Long
riskSourceCol = getWScolNum("RiskSource", dataWs)
ReDim readcols(1 To 4)
readcols(1) = getWScolNum("RiskReportProductType", dataWs)
readcols(2) = getWScolNum("Fair Value (USD)", dataWs)
readcols(3) = getWScolNum("Source Currency of the CUSIP that is denominated in", dataWs)
readcols(4) = riskSourceCol
dataCols = colsFromWStoArr(dataWs, readcols, True)
'read in scenario mappings
Dim mappingWS As Worksheet
Set mappingWS = Worksheets("mapping_ScenNames")
Dim stressScenMapping() As Variant
ReDim readcols(1 To 2): readcols(1) = 1: readcols(2) = 2
stressScenMapping = colsFromWStoArr(mappingWS, readcols, False, 2) 'include two extra columns to hold column number for IR and CR shocks
For i = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
stressScenMapping(i, 3) = getWScolNum(stressScenMapping(i, 2), dataWs)
If stressScenMapping(i, 2) <> "NA" And stressScenMapping(i, 3) = 0 Then
MsgBox ("Could not find " & stressScenMapping(i, 2) & " column in database")
Exit Sub
End If
Next i
ReDim readcols(1 To 4): readcols(1) = 1: readcols(2) = 2: readcols(3) = 3: readcols(4) = 4
stressScenMapping = filterOut(stressScenMapping, 2, "NA", readcols)
'calculate stress and write to database
Dim thisEqShocks() As Variant
Dim keepcols() As Long
ReDim keepcols(1 To UBound(eqShocks, 2))
For i = 1 To UBound(keepcols)
keepcols(i) = i
Next i
Dim thisCurrRow As Long
For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
thisEqShocks = filterIn(eqShocks, 2, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 1), keepcols)
If thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "#EMPTY" Then
For i = 2 To nRows
If dataCols(i, 4) <> "Excel" And dataCols(i, 4) <> "OBI" And (dataCols(i, 1) = "value1" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value2") Then
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).Value = "No shock found"
End If
Next i
Else 'calculate shocks
Call quicksort(thisEqShocks, 3, 1, UBound(thisEqShocks, 1))
For i = 2 To nRows
If dataCols(i, 4) <> "Excel" And dataCols(i, 4) <> "ITS" And (dataCols(i, 1) = "value1" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value2" Or dataCols(i, 1) = "value3") Then
thisCurrRow = findInArrCol(dataCols(i, 3), 3, thisEqShocks)
If thisCurrRow = 0 Then 'could not find currency so use generic shock
thisCurrRow = findInArrCol("OTHERS", 3, thisEqShocks)
End If
If thisCurrRow = 0 Then
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).Value = "No shock found"
dataWs.Cells(i, stressScenMapping(thisScen, 3)).Value = Replace(dataCols(i, 2), "-", 0) * (thisEqShocks(thisCurrRow, 4) - 1)
End If
End If
Next i
End If
Next thisScen
Application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub
adding function quicksort
Sub quicksort(ByRef arr() As Variant, ByVal sortCol As Long, ByVal left As Long, ByVal right As Long)
If right > left Then
Dim pivotIndex As Long
pivotIndex = left + Int((right - left) / 2)
Dim pivotIndexNew As Long
pivotIndexNew = partition(arr, sortCol, left, right, pivotIndex)
Call quicksort(arr, sortCol, left, pivotIndexNew - 1)
Call quicksort(arr, sortCol, pivotIndexNew + 1, right)
End If
End Sub
Any suggestions would be appreciated.
@Marcucciboy2 , it is this if loop,
If thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "#EMPTY" Then
or even at the for loop. For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
– excelguy
Aug 10 at 14:14
If thisEqShocks(1, 1) = "#EMPTY" Then
For thisScen = 1 To UBound(stressScenMapping, 1)
Are you trying to compare it to a string value of "#Empty"? "#" may be working as a wildcard representing any digit 0-9.
– Mistella
Aug 10 at 14:20
@Mistella , dont think so, what would you recommend doing here instead? Also this code works in seconds in excel 2010, so its not really the functionality that needs a change but more optimization.
– excelguy
Aug 10 at 14:28
Also, when a cell formula results in an error value, I'm not sure the contents get interpreted as a string. However, there is a VBA function
(?) that may work equivalently.– Mistella
Aug 10 at 15:27
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Could you maybe
through your code and let us know about when it freezes? This is a lot of homebrew code (as in lots of UDFs) to trace through for this question– Marcucciboy2
Aug 10 at 14:05