React-Bootstrap I can't get Alert to appear when checking if user email is verified
React-Bootstrap I can't get Alert to appear when checking if user email is verified
I am trying to make it so that when I check whether a user has verified their email, an alert will appear asking to verify your email. I am not a fan of the regular pop up alert, so I was using the React-bootstrap alert to make something like this appear:
You have yet to verify your email!
My console correctly logs whether a user is logged in and if the account is verified, but I can't get the alert to appear. Should I not make a notVerifiedAlert
const? I've tried returning it directly, but it didn't make a difference. I'm not sure what is wrong because I am new to this and do not fully understand all concepts yet, so any help would be amazing.
import React, Component from 'react';
import firebase from 'firebase';
import Alert from 'react-bootstrap';
class CheckVerification extends React.Component
const notVerifiedAlert = (
<Alert bsStyle="danger">
<h4>Almost there...</h4>
You have yet to verify your email!' '
' '
To access the survey it is required that you verify your email.
</strong>' '
Upon sign up an email was sent you. However, if you need a new
verification sent to you click here. Once you verify your email, this
alert will go away.
return (
if (user)
console.log('This user is logged in.');
if (!firebase.auth().currentUser.emailVerified)
console.log('This user is not verified');
console.log('This user is verified');
console.log('This user is not logged in');
export default CheckVerification;
update: I figured out a solution
1 Answer
I rethought my idea and rewrote it so if your email is not verified a specific page wont display. It's not perfect, but it works! :)
function sendLink()
alert("A verification email has been sent. Please go to your inbox now to verify you email. Refresh the page when complete.");
var fullID = '';
class SurveyPage extends Component
this.state =
name: 'React'
//if email not verified, dont show iframe
<div className="alert alert-danger">
<h5><strong>You must verify your email before viewing the survey.</strong></h5>
<a onClick=sendLink> <u> Click here to send another verification email. </u> </a>
<small> This alert will go away once your email is verified.</small>
fullID = "" + surveyID + "?backgroundColor=tealLight";
console.log("Full survey URL: " + fullID);
return (
<div id = "content" >
<script src="" />
class="airtable-embed airtable-dynamic-height"
src= fullID
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