Edit a property in an array of objects in React based on an ID

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Edit a property in an array of objects in React based on an ID

I have an array of objects created in the new "Context API" like this ...

const reducer = (state, action) =>
switch (action.type)
contacts: state.contacts.filter(contact =>
return contact.id !== action.payload;
return state;


export class Provider extends Component
state =
contacts: [

id: 1,
name: "John Doe",
email: "jhon.doe@site.com",
phone: "01027007024",
show: false

id: 2,
name: "Adam Smith",
email: "adam.smith@site.com",
phone: "01027007024",
show: false

id: 3,
name: "Mohammed Salah",
email: "mohammed.salah@site.com",
phone: "01027007024",
show: false

dispatch: action =>
this.setState(state => reducer(state, action));


return (
<Context.Provider value=this.state>

I want to create an action in the "reducer" that allows me to edit each contact's "show" property based on its id that I will pass to the action as a payload, how can I do that?

2 Answers

To avoid array mutation and retain the element position while editing contact you can do this:

const id, show = action.payload;
const contact = ...state.contacts.find(c => c.id === id), show ;
contacts: state.contacts.map(c => return (c.id !== id) ? c : contact;)

Thanks, man. It worked like a charm :)
– Ruby
Aug 11 at 10:12

You can find the contact, avoid mutation by using spread, set new value of show :



const id, show = action.payload; // Assume id and show are in action.payload
const contact = ...state.contacts.find(c => c.id === id), show ;
contacts: [...state.contacts.filter(c => c.id !== id), contact]

If order matters:

const id, show = action.payload;
const contact = ...state.contacts.find(c => c.id === id), show ;
const index = state.contacts.findIndex(c => c.id === id);
contacts = [ ...state.contacts.slice(0, index), contact, ...state.contacts.slice(index + 1)];

Well, that works, but after it edits the property it pushes the edited object to the bottom of the array.
– Ruby
Aug 10 at 13:22

And if I dot it like this ... contacts: [contact, ...state.contacts.filter(c => c.id !== id)] it puts it at the top of the array.
– Ruby
Aug 10 at 13:25

contacts: [contact, ...state.contacts.filter(c => c.id !== id)]

How to edit it and keep it in the same place?
– Ruby
Aug 10 at 16:23

@Ruby I've edited the answer
– Faly
Aug 11 at 3:11

Thanks for the solution, it works, but I think @samee solution looks more elegant.
– Ruby
Aug 11 at 10:11

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