How to freeze the top row and the first column using XlsxWriter?

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How to freeze the top row and the first column using XlsxWriter?

I am exporting a pandas DataFrame to Excel, and since it contains a lot of rows and columns, it would be useful to keep the top row and the first column when browsing its contents.


There is a feature present in Excel that allows for freezing the top row and the first column. Is accessible through XlsxWriter when exporting DataFrames to excel?


1 Answer

You can use worksheet.freeze_panes() to achieve this . There are many options for that method. Read to know how to use the method.


Thanks! I tried the suggested worksheet.freeze_panes(1, 1) and it worked.
– Krzysztof Słowiński
Jan 30 at 11:02

worksheet.freeze_panes(1, 1)

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