Clash Royale CLAN TAG #URR8PPP Creating a leaderboard in HTML/JS I'm trying to create a top 10 leaderboard, for now, I've only implemented 3 players, but I'm coming across an issue. My script doesn't seem to be outputting anything on webpage. The purpose of the script is to compare 3 arrays, player1,player2,and player3 solely based off of score. Which is the 2nd index of each array. I want the script to list the players in order of highest score. This method doesn't really seem to be efficient, especially when I'll have to add 7 more players. Could someone suggest perhaps an easier approach, as well as show me why my script wont output the info. Here's the JS function leaderboard() { var player1 = name:"Thomas",date:"01/23/18",score:"201"; var player2 = name:"Michael",date:"03/24/17",score:"943"; var player3 = Name:"Lisa",date:"06/04/18",Score:"79"; if(player1[2]...
Flagging to close because this appears to be a general computing rather than a programming question.
– ggorlen
Aug 11 at 18:04