element.getText().then(function) not being executed

The name of the pictureThe name of the pictureThe name of the pictureClash Royale CLAN TAG#URR8PPP

element.getText().then(function) not being executed

I am working with protractor and cucumber. I want to print the text returned from getText. I am using .then function to obtain such text, but for some reason, console.log code is not being executed.



Why is this happening?

checkDropdown: function (value, dropdown)
let name = element(by.id(dropdown));

The protractor.conf.js file is:
Protractor file is:

exports.config =
seleniumAddress: 'http://localhost:4444/wd/hub', // This is targetting your local running instance of the selenium webdriver

specs: [

browserName: 'chrome' // You can use any browser you want. On a CI environment you're going to want to use PhantomJS

framework: 'custom', //We need this line to use the cucumber framework

frameworkPath: require.resolve('protractor-cucumber-framework'), // Here it is

//format: 'pretty',
require: '../Features/step_definitions/my_steps.js', // This is where we'll be writing our actual tests
//tags: ['@login','@app'],
strict: true,
resultJsonOutputFile:'./testResults.json', //output file path to store the final results in .json format
hostname: '' // Whatever the address of your app is


Thanks in advance.

Maybe the promise is rejected?
– undefined
22 hours ago

I do not know, how can I check if it is rejected?
– Alfredo Bazo Lopez
21 hours ago

By using promise.catch.
– undefined
21 hours ago

please show our protractor conf.js
– yong
20 hours ago

You can see my protractor.conf.js file
– Alfredo Bazo Lopez
19 hours ago

1 Answer

May be the text value which you log is blank.

Can you try adding some test in front of your text

console.log('Text value is' + text);

Just to check if console.log is executed.

I had already done it and nothing happens. I have also debugged the code and the console.log() is not being executed. Thanks for your answer Bharath
– Alfredo Bazo Lopez
20 hours ago

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