How to create a list of unique items in JavaScript?

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How to create a list of unique items in JavaScript?

In my CouchDB reduce function I need to reduce a list of items to the unique ones.

Note: In that case it's ok to have a list, it will be a small number of items of string type.

My current way is to set keys of a object, then return the keys of that object
since the place the code can't use things like _.uniq for example.


I'd like to find a more elegant way to spell it than this.

function(keys, values, rereduce)
// values is a Array of Arrays
values = Array.concat.apply(null, values);
var uniq = ;
values.forEach(function(item) uniq[item] = true; );
return Object.keys(uniq);

depending on what you define as being elegant, you could lookup the source of underscore's unique on github
– Geert-Jan
Jul 27 '12 at 15:35

underscore is more expensive for string only and less elegant due to needing to work in the general case
– Ronny
Jul 27 '12 at 22:34

Do you need a reduce function? If you only need the unique values you can use the group=true option when requesting the view. For more info on that see CouchDB Wiki
– dignifiedquire
Jul 31 '12 at 19:20


a map view cannot use group
– Ronny
Jul 31 '12 at 20:48

Possible duplicate of [Get all unique values in an array (remove duplicates)…
– Gernot Krost
Nov 18 '17 at 20:44

6 Answers

Commonly, the approach you used is a good idea.
But I could propose a solution that will make the algorithm a lot faster.

function unique(arr)
var u = , a = ;
for(var i = 0, l = arr.length; i < l; ++i)
u[arr[i]] = 1;

return a;

As you can see we have only one loop here.

I've made an example that is testing both your and my solutions. Try to play with it.

i hoped for more pretty, but the speedup is quite something
– Ronny
Aug 23 '12 at 18:47

The speed of algorithm is always important when you have a deal with collections and loops.
– Eugene Naydenov
Aug 24 '12 at 7:09

If I were to use for(var i=0; i<arr.length; ++i) would it recount the array's length on every loop? Or why create a separate l variable?
– Markus Meskanen
Dec 15 '16 at 7:57

for(var i=0; i<arr.length; ++i)


@MarkusMeskanen It depends on the particular JavaScript engine implementation. Also, don't forget about the property lookup time.
– Eugene Naydenov
Dec 15 '16 at 11:35

FYI neither solution works with objects. e.g. unique([, a:1]) === [] — this is because you can only use strings as object keys. Likewise: unique(['1', 1]) === ['1']
Feb 26 '17 at 6:40

unique([, a:1]) === []

unique(['1', 1]) === ['1']

An alternative that's suitable for small lists would be to ape the Unix command line approach of sort | uniq:

sort | uniq

function unique(a)
return a.sort().filter(function(value, index, array)
return (index === 0) );

This function sorts the argument, and then filters the result to omit any items that are equal to their predecessor.

The keys-based approach is fine, and will have better performance characteristics for large numbers of items (O(n) for inserting n items into a hashtable, compared to O(n log n) for sorting the array). However, this is unlikely to be noticeable on small lists. Moreover, with this version you could modify it to use a different sorting or equality function if necessary; with hash keys you're stuck with JavaScripts notion of key equality.

Beautiful, was able to use this in ember.js to filter a recordarray with Arrayproxy's "filter" function
– Epirocks
Mar 21 at 15:19

This is an old question, I know. However, it is at the top of some google searches, so I wanted to add that you can combine the answers from @RobHague and @EugeneNaydenov using the following:

function unique(arr)
let u = ;
return arr.filter((v) =>
return u[v] = !u.hasOwnProperty(v);

You can also ignore undefined values (often handy) by adding:

function unique(arr)
let u = ;
return arr.filter((v) =>
return u[v] = (v !== undefined && !u.hasOwnProperty(v));

You can play with this solution here:

Using Object.keys will give you strings if you put in integer arguments (uniq([1,2,3]) => ['1','2','3']. Here's one with Array.reduce:

function uniq(list)
return list.reduce((acc, d) => acc.includes(d) ? acc : acc.concat(d), );

This should work with anything, not just strings:

export const getUniqueList = (a: Array<any>) : Array<any> =>

const set = new Set<any>();

for(let i = 0; i < a.length; i++)

return Array.from(set.values());


what about

function unique(list)
for (i = 0; i<list.length; i++)
for (j=i+1; j<list.length; j++)
if (list[i] == list[j])
list.splice(j, 1);

You need to decrement j after running list.splice(). This kind of O(N^2) solution will work on small arrays, but I wouldn't use it once the arrays get bigger.
– sffc
Jul 27 '16 at 19:35

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