json_decode gives no data on print_r, but raw data present in $_GET
json_decode gives no data on print_r, but raw data present in $_GET
I have passed an array in AJAX using
In my other php file, if I do
print_r ($_GET);
I can see all the data that was passed via AJAX, like this:
Array ( [action] => edit_category [cPath] => [cID] => 141 [cInfo] => "categories_id":"141","categories_name":"Mens","categories_description":"Get ready for warmer days with our new season trends for Spring/Summer. Whether you're after an iconic Superdry jacket, a pair of great fitting jeans or a cool tee, shop our latest collections right here. Discover premium quality outerwear for those changeable spring days and style with the latest T-shirts, shirts and trainers.","categories_image":"categories/cat-head-1-min.jpg","parent_id":"0","sort_order":"10","date_added":"2016-09-15 23:43:02","last_modified":"2018-02-21 15:52:14","categories_status":"1" )
And yet, if have the following code:
$cInfo = json_decode($_GET['cInfo']);
and then try to print_r($cInfo) I get no data at all. I don't understand why I can't use the data when it's obviously present in $_GET
More detailed code added below.
The php generating the form that submits the json encoded array and other data:
$lc_text .= '<form id="category-edit-'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].'" class="tooltip-category-edit-'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].'" data-tooltip-content="#category-edit-tooltip-content-'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].'">
<input type="hidden" name="action" value="edit_category" />
<input type="hidden" name="cPath" value="'.$cPath.'" />
<input type="hidden" name="cID" value="'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].'" />
<input type="hidden" name="cInfo" value="'.htmlspecialchars(json_encode($cInfo)).'" />
<input type="image" class="icon-edit" src="images/icon_edit.png" border="0" alt="'.ICON_EDIT.'" title="'.ICON_EDIT.'" />
<div class="tooltip_templates">
<div id="category-edit-tooltip-content-'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].'">
<div class="tooltip-loading-'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].' load-text">Loading...</div>
<div class="edit-category-results-'.$categories->fields['categories_id'].'"></div>
The jQuery that submits the form:
// Variable to hold request
var request;
$('.tooltip-category-edit-<?php echo $categories->fields['categories_id']; ?>').tooltipster(
plugins: ['sideTip', 'scrollableTip'],
trigger: 'click',
interactive: 'true',
maxWidth: 600,
contentAsHTML: 'true',
functionAfter: function()
// Add background overlay
if ($('#overlay-mask').length)
functionBefore: function(instance, helper)
var $origin = $(helper.origin);
// Add background overlay
if (!$('#overlay-mask').length)
$('body').append('<div id="overlay-mask" style="display: block;"></div>');
if ($origin.data('loaded') !== true)
// Abort any pending request
if (request)
// setup local variables
var $form = $('.tooltip-category-edit-<?php echo $categories->fields['categories_id']; ?>');
// Let's select and cache the fields
var $inputs = $form.find();
// Serialize the data in the form
var serializedData = $form.serialize();
// Send the request
request = $.ajax(
url: "categories_edit_ajax.php",
type: "get",
data: serializedData
// Callback handler on success
request.done(function (response, textStatus, jqXHR)
$origin.data('loaded', true);
// Variable to hold request
var request;
// Bind to the submit event of our form
$("#category-edit-<?php echo $categories->fields['categories_id']; ?>").submit(function(event)
// Prevent default posting of form
return false;
The start of the file that AJAX submits to, where $_GET is showing the correct data that I can't get into a usable array
$heading = array();
$contents = array();
$cPath = isset($_GET['cPath']) ? filter_var(trim($_GET['cPath']), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : null;
$cID = isset($_GET['cID']) ? filter_var(trim($_GET['cID']), FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING) : null;
$cInfo = json_decode($_GET['cInfo']);
echo '<div class="debug">';
echo "get content: ";
echo '<br/>';
echo "cPath: ".$cPath.'<br/>';
echo "cID: ".$cID.'<br/>';
echo "cInfo: "; print_r($cInfo).'<br/>';
echo '</div>';
$on_image_delete = false;
$off_image_delete = true;
$heading = array('text' => '<b>' . TEXT_INFO_HEADING_EDIT_CATEGORY . '</b>');
$contents = array('text' => zen_draw_form('categories', FILENAME_CATEGORIES, 'action=update_category&cPath=' . $cPath . ((isset($_GET['search']) && !empty($_GET['search'])) ? '&search=' . $_GET['search'] : ''), 'post', 'enctype="multipart/form-data"') . zen_draw_hidden_field('categories_id', $cInfo->categories_id));
$contents = array('text' => TEXT_EDIT_INTRO);
The output from print_r($_GET);
/Applications/MAMP/htdocs/justsimplecart/jscadmin/categories_edit_ajax.php:22: array(4) { 'action' => string(13) "edit_category" 'cPath' => string(0) "" 'cID' => string(3) "141" 'cInfo' => string(769) ""categories_id":"141","categories_name":"Mens","categories_description":"Get ready for warmer days with our new season trends for Spring/Summer. Whether you're after an iconic Superdry jacket, a pair of great fitting jeans or a cool tee, shop our latest collections right here. Discover premium quality outerwear for those changeable spring days and style with the latest T-shirts, shirts and trainers.","categories_image":"categories"...
$cInfo = $_GET['cInfo'];
@ggorlen No. If i set that, and then print_r($cInfo) I get nothing.
– Steph3071
Aug 12 at 21:08
Bummer, worth a try. Can you post a toy example of your two PHP scripts?
– ggorlen
Aug 12 at 21:14
@ggorlen I've added a bunch of original code to the original question
– Steph3071
Aug 12 at 22:07
All right, that's a bit helpful, but I'm looking for a minimal and verifiable example. I don't have
and I can't tell what your HTML looks like, so that's not helpful. The important part is the $_GET
dump, but that ends with ...
, so I can't see the rest of the string you're trying to decode. Please post the result of echo $_GET['cInfo'];
. It should be a string of length 769, and if it's not a valid JSON encoded structure, that's likely why it's not decoding properly and is where json_last_error
(in the answer posted) might be helpful.– ggorlen
Aug 12 at 22:48
echo $_GET['cInfo'];
1 Answer
If there are a problem decoding the json, the function could return null.
If you want to know the problem, you can use the functions json_last_error or json_last_error_msg.
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is already an array, I don't think you need to decode anything unless it's in string form. Does$cInfo = $_GET['cInfo'];
work?– ggorlen
Aug 12 at 18:58