In AngularFire2, how do I convert incoming json to objects

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In AngularFire2, how do I convert incoming json to objects

I am using AngularFire2 to read data from Google's Cloud Firestore. The docs show how to receive an updated set of documents on each data change using valueChanges():


this.items = db.collection<People>('people').valueChanges()

I also have a People class which defines some attributes (first and last name) and a function/method fullName,



export class People
public first: String = '';
public last: String = '';
[ this.first, this.last, ] = args;

static MakePersonFrom(input: Any)
return Object.assign(new People(), input);

return `Honorable $this.first $this.last`;

The People class matches my documents in the people collection, which each have a first and last name. I want to call fullName on elements of this.items, for example in an html template:





<ul><li *ngFor="person in people | async">person.fullName()</li></ul>

To make this work, I have subscribed to valueChanges and transformed each incoming document:

this.items = db.collection<People>('people').valueChanges()
map(listOfPeople =>
return =>
return People.makePersonFrom(person);
tap(item => console.log('Converted', item); ),

I am wondering if there is an easier way to do this in AngularFire2. The .pipe code above is mostly boilerplate but for the class name. Is there a variant of valueChanges() that can do this for me?



1 Answer

I found that AngularFire2's behavior is consistent with Angular itself, as shown in this small excerpt from the HTTP chapter of the guide:

config: Config;

showConfig() {
// clone the data object, using its known Config shape
.subscribe((data: Config) => this.config = );

They use the spread operator instead of Object.assign and are only dealing with one response, but it is otherwise the same.


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