Basic program to convert integer to Roman numerals?

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Basic program to convert integer to Roman numerals?

I'm trying to write a code that converts a user-inputted integer into its Roman numeral equivalent. What I have so far is:

screenshot of my code

The point of the generate_all_of_numeral function is so that it creates a string for each specific numeral. For example, generate_all_of_numeral(2400, 'M', 2000) would return the string 'MM'.


generate_all_of_numeral(2400, 'M', 2000)


I'm struggling with the main program. I start off finding the Roman numeral count for M and saving that into the variable M. Then I subtract by the number of M's times the symbol value to give me the next value to work with for the next largest numeral.

Any nod to the right direction? Right now my code doesn't even print anything.

print 'anything'
– Katpoes
Feb 28 '15 at 1:57

I've changed "return" to "print" and nothing shows up when I input an integer in the Python interpreter.
– skybreaker
Feb 28 '15 at 2:04

Is it because you never called the to_roman function?
– Katpoes
Feb 28 '15 at 2:05

Okay, right now I've moved "symbolCount = 0" out of the generate_all_of_numeral function. And my final line is now "print to_roman(n)". The code appears to still be faulty with the error "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'romanNumeralCount' referenced before assignment"
– skybreaker
Feb 28 '15 at 2:18

"What you have so far" is an image, and so it is useless to copy and see what goes wrong.
– usr2564301
Feb 23 at 17:17

18 Answers

One of the best ways to deal with this is using the divmod function. You check if the given number matches any Roman numeral from the highest to the lowest. At every match, you should return the respective character.


Some numbers will have remainders when you use the modulo function, so you also apply the same logic to the remainder. Obviously, I'm hinting at recursion.

See my answer below. I use an OrderedDict to make sure that I can iterate "downwards" the list, then I use a recursion of divmod to generate matches. Finally, I join all generated answers to produce a string.




from collections import OrderedDict

def write_roman(num):

roman = OrderedDict()
roman[1000] = "M"
roman[900] = "CM"
roman[500] = "D"
roman[400] = "CD"
roman[100] = "C"
roman[90] = "XC"
roman[50] = "L"
roman[40] = "XL"
roman[10] = "X"
roman[9] = "IX"
roman[5] = "V"
roman[4] = "IV"
roman[1] = "I"

def roman_num(num):
for r in roman.keys():
x, y = divmod(num, r)
yield roman[r] * x
num -= (r * x)
if num > 0:

return "".join([a for a in roman_num(num)])

Taking it for a spin:

num = 35
print write_roman(num)

num = 994
print write_roman(num)

num = 1995
print write_roman(num)

num = 2015
print write_roman(num)

Here is another way, without division:

num_map = [(1000, 'M'), (900, 'CM'), (500, 'D'), (400, 'CD'), (100, 'C'), (90, 'XC'),
(50, 'L'), (40, 'XL'), (10, 'X'), (9, 'IX'), (5, 'V'), (4, 'IV'), (1, 'I')]

def num2roman(num):

roman = ''

while num > 0:
for i, r in num_map:
while num >= i:
roman += r
num -= i

return roman

# test
>>> num2roman(2242)

mind blown! just unsure about for i, r in num_map: meaning
– 3kstc
Mar 22 '17 at 2:53

for i, r in num_map:

oh hope that could be helpful :-) for i, r in num_map is to loop over each (numeral, roman) pair until it finds first numeral that is leq current input number. See this visualized code: maybe better than my words.
– Aziz Alto
Mar 22 '17 at 3:32

for i, r in num_map


Great explanation! :D thank you
– 3kstc
Mar 22 '17 at 3:54

A KISS version of Manhattan's algorithm, without any "advanced" notion such as OrderedDict, recursion, generators, inner function and break:



(1000, "M"),
( 900, "CM"),
( 500, "D"),
( 400, "CD"),
( 100, "C"),
( 90, "XC"),
( 50, "L"),
( 40, "XL"),
( 10, "X"),
( 9, "IX"),
( 5, "V"),
( 4, "IV"),
( 1, "I"),

def int_to_roman(number):
result = ""
for (arabic, roman) in ROMAN:
(factor, number) = divmod(number, arabic)
result += roman * factor
return result

A prematurate exit could be added as soon as number reaches zero, and the string accumulation could be made more pythonic, but my goal here was to produce the requested basic program.


Tested on all integers from 1 to 100000, which ought to be enough for anybody.

EDIT: the slightly more pythonic and faster version I alluded to:

def int_to_roman(number):
result =
for (arabic, roman) in ROMAN:
(factor, number) = divmod(number, arabic)
result.append(roman * factor)
if number == 0:
return "".join(result)

Most elegant. Why not just show the improved implementation?
– Gringo Suave
Sep 4 at 19:13

Here's a lambda function for integer to roman numeral conversion, working up to 3999. It anchors some corner of the space of "unreadable things you probably don't actually want to do". But it may amuse someone:

lambda a: (
for d in [
"", "0", "00", "000", "01",
"1", "10", "100", "1000", "02"][int(c)]])
for i,c in enumerate(reversed(str(a))) ]))

This approach gives an alternative to using arithmetical manipulations to
isolate decimal digits and their place, as OP and many of the examples do.
The approach here goes straight for converting the decimal number to a string.
That way, digits can be isolated by list indexing. The data table is fairly
compressed, and no subtraction or division is used.

Admittedly, in the form given, whatever is gained in brevity is immediately
given up in readability. For people without time for puzzles, a version below
is given that avoids list comprehension and lambda functions.

But I'll explain the lambda function version here...

Going from back to front:

Convert a decimal integer to a reversed string of its digits, and enumerate
(i) over the reversed digits (c).

for i,c in enumerate(reversed(str(a)))

Convert each digit c back to an integer (range of 0-9), and use it as an index into a list of magic digit strings. The magic is explained a little later on.

[ "", "0", "00", "000", "01",
"1", "10", "100", "1000", "02"][int(c)]])

Convert your selected magic digit string into a string of roman numeral
"digits". Basically, you now have your decimal digit expressed as roman
numeral digits appropriate to the original 10's place of the decimal digit.
This is the target of the generate_all_of_numeral function used by the OP.


for d in <magic digit string>

Concatenate everything back in reversed order. The reversal is of the order
of the digits, but order within the digits ("digits"?) is unaffected.

lambda a: (
<roman-numeral converted digits>

Now, about that list of magic strings. It allows selecting the appropriate
string of roman numeral digits (up to four of them, each being one of three types 0, 1, or 2) for each different 10's place that a decimal digit can occupy.

At 4000 and above, this will throw an exception. "MMMM" = 4000, but this
doesn't match the pattern anymore, breaking the assumptions of the algorithm. promised above...

def int_to_roman(a):
all_roman_digits =
digit_lookup_table = [
"", "0", "00", "000", "01",
"1", "10", "100", "1000", "02"]
for i,c in enumerate(reversed(str(a))):
roman_digit = ""
for d in digit_lookup_table[int(c)]:
roman_digit += ("IVXLCDM"[int(d)+i*2])
return "".join(reversed(all_roman_digits))

I again left out exception trapping, but at least now there's a place to put it inline.

The approach by Laughing Man works. Using an ordered dictionary is clever. But his code re-creates the ordered dictionary every time the function is called, and within the function, in every recursive call, the function steps through the whole ordered dictionary from the top. Also, divmod returns both the quotient and the remainder, but the remainder is not used. A more direct approach is as follows.

def _getRomanDictOrdered():
from collections import OrderedDict
dIntRoman = OrderedDict()
dIntRoman[1000] = "M"
dIntRoman[900] = "CM"
dIntRoman[500] = "D"
dIntRoman[400] = "CD"
dIntRoman[100] = "C"
dIntRoman[90] = "XC"
dIntRoman[50] = "L"
dIntRoman[40] = "XL"
dIntRoman[10] = "X"
dIntRoman[9] = "IX"
dIntRoman[5] = "V"
dIntRoman[4] = "IV"
dIntRoman[1] = "I"
return dIntRoman

_dIntRomanOrder = _getRomanDictOrdered() # called once on import

def getRomanNumeralOffInt( iNum ):
lRomanNumerals =
for iKey in _dIntRomanOrder:
if iKey > iNum: continue
iQuotient = iNum // iKey
if not iQuotient: continue
lRomanNumerals.append( _dIntRomanOrder[ iKey ] * iQuotient )
iNum -= ( iKey * iQuotient )
if not iNum: break
return ''.join( lRomanNumerals )

Checking the results:

>>> getRomanNumeralOffInt(35)
>>> getRomanNumeralOffInt(994)
>>> getRomanNumeralOffInt(1995)
>>> getRomanNumeralOffInt(2015)

I referred this url for online decimal to roman conversion. If we extend the range of decimals upto 39,99,999 the script given by @Manhattan will not work. Here is the the correct script up-to the range of 39,99,999

def int_to_roman(num):
_values = [
1000000, 900000, 500000, 400000, 100000, 90000, 50000, 40000, 10000, 9000, 5000, 4000, 1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1]

_strings = [
'M', 'C', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', "M", "CM", "D", "CD", "C", "XC", "L", "XL", "X", "IX", "V", "IV", "I"]

result = ""
decimal = num

while decimal > 0:
for i in range(len(_values)):
if decimal >= _values[i]:
if _values[i] > 1000:
result += u'u0304'.join(list(_strings[i])) + u'u0304'
result += _strings[i]
decimal -= _values[i]
return result

The unicode character u'304' prints the overline char e.g.
enter image description here

Sample Output:

enter image description here

This is fantastic and also covers Romans chars with BAR above. This is the perfect answer
– Ronu
May 7 at 19:22

I have observed that in most of the answers, people are storing excess notations like "IX" for 9, "XL" for 40 and so on.

"IX" for 9

"XL" for 40

This misses the main essence of Roman Conversion.

Here's a small introduction and algorithm before I actually paste the code.

The original pattern for Roman numerals used the symbols I, V. and X (1, 5, and 10) as simple tally marks. Each marker for 1 (I) added a unit value up to 5 (V), and was then added to (V) to make the numbers from 6 to 9:


The numerals for 4 (IIII) and 9 (VIIII) proved problematic, and are generally replaced with IV (one less than 5) and IX (one less than 10). This feature of Roman numerals is called subtractive notation.

The numbers from 1 to 10 (including subtractive notation for 4 and 9) are expressed in Roman numerals as follows:


The system being basically decimal, tens and hundreds follow the same pattern:
Thus 10 to 100 (counting in tens, with X taking the place of I, L taking the place of V and C taking the place of X):

X, XX, XXX, XL, L, LX, LXX, LXXX, XC, C. Roman Numerals - Wikipedia

So, the main logic that can derive from the above introduction is that, we would strip the positional value and perform divisions based on the values of the literals Romans used.

Let's start the base example. We have the integral list of the literals as [10, 5, 1]

[10, 5, 1]

1/10 = 0.1 (not of much use)

1/5 = 0.2 (not of much use, either)

1/1 = 1.0 (hmm, we got something!)

CASE 1: So, if quotient == 1, print the literal corresponding to the integer. So, the best data structure would be a dictionary. 10: "X", 5: "V", 1:"I"

10: "X", 5: "V", 1:"I"

"I" will be printed.

2/10 = 0.2

2/5 = 0.4

2/1 = 2

CASE 2: So, if quotient > 1, print the literal corresponding to the integer which made it so and subtract it from the number.
This makes it 1 and it falls to CASE 1.
"II" is printed.

3/10 = 0.3

3/5 = 0.6

3/1 = 3

So, CASE 2: "I", CASE 2: "II" and CASE 1: "III"

CASE 3: Add 1 and check if quotient == 1.

(4+1)/10 = 0.5

(4+1)/5 = 1

So, this is the case where we first subtract the divisor and the number and print the literal corresponding to the result, followed by the divisor. 5-4=1, thus "IV" will be printed.

(9+1)/10 == 1

10-9=1. Print "I", print "X", i.e. "IX"

This extends to the tenths place and hundredths as well.

(90+(10^1))/100 = 1.

Print 100-90="X", followed by 100="C".

(400+(10^2))/500 = 1.

Print 500-400="C", followed by 500="D".

The last thing we need here is, extract the positional values. Ex: 449 should yield 400, 40, 9.

This can be made by removing the subtracting the modulo of 10^(position-1) and then taking the modulo of 10^position.

Ex: 449, position = 2: 449%(10^1) = 9 -> 449-9 -> 440%(10^2)= 40.

Created on Nov 20, 2017

@author: lu5er
n = int(input())
ls = [1000, 500, 100, 50, 10, 5, 1]
st = 1000:"M", 500:"D", 100:"C", 50:"L", 10:"X", 5:"V", 1:"I"

rem = 0

# We traverse the number from right to left, extracting the position
for i in range(len(str(n)), 0, -1):
pos = i # stores the current position
num = (n-n%(10**(pos-1)))%(10**pos) # extracts the positional values
for div in ls:

# CASE 1: Logic for 1, 5 and 10
if num/div == 1:
print(st[div], end="")

# CASE 2: logic for 2, 3, 6 and 8
if num/div > 1:

# CASE 3: Logic for 4 and 9
if (num+(10**(pos-1)))/div == 1:
print(st[div-num], end="")
print(st[div], end="")

Output Test








You have to make the symbolCount a global variable. And use () in print method.

Only 1 - 999

while True:

num = input()
def val(n):
if n == 1:
rom = 'I'
return rom
if n == 4:
rom = 'IV'
return rom
if n == 5:
rom = 'V'
return rom
if n == 9:
rom = 'IX'
return rom
if n == 10:
rom = 'X'
return rom
if n == 40:
rom = 'XL'
return rom
if n == 50:
rom = 'L'
return rom
if n == 90:
rom = 'XC'
return rom
if n == 100:
rom = 'C'
return rom
if n == 400:
rom = 'CD'
return rom
if n == 500:
rom = 'D'
return rom
if n == 900:
rom = 'CM'
return rom

def lastdigit(num02):
num02 = num % 10
num03 = num % 5
if 9 > num02 > 5:
return str('V' + 'I'*num03)
elif num02 < 4:
return str('I'*num03)
return str(val(num02))

k3 = lastdigit(num)

def tensdigit(num12):
num12 = num % 100 - num % 10
num13 = num % 50
if 90 > num12 > 50:
return str('L' + 'X'*(num13/10))
elif num12 < 40:
return str('X'*(num13/10))
return str(val(num12))

k2 = tensdigit(num)

def hundigit(num112):
num112 = (num % 1000 - num % 100)
num113 = num % 500
if 900 > num112 > 500:
return str('D' + 'C'*(num113/100))
elif num112 < 400:
return str('C'*(num113/100))
return str(val(num112))

k1 = hundigit(num)

print '%s%s%s' %(k1,k2,k3)

Another way to do this. separating out processing of number starting with 4 , 9 and others. it can be simplified further

def checkio(data):
romans = [("I",1),("V",5),("X",10),("L",50),("C",100),("D",500),("M",1000)]
romans_rev = list(sorted(romans,key = lambda x: -x[1]))
def process_9(num,roman_str):
for (k,v) in romans:
if (v > num):
current_roman = romans[romans.index((k,v))]
prev_roman = romans[romans.index((k,v)) - 2]
roman_str += (prev_roman[0] + current_roman[0])
num -= (current_roman[1] - prev_roman[1])
return num,roman_str
def process_4(num,roman_str):
for (k,v) in romans:
if (v > num):
current_roman = romans[romans.index((k,v))]
prev_roman = romans[romans.index((k,v)) - 1]
roman_str += (prev_roman[0] + current_roman[0])
num -= (current_roman[1] - prev_roman[1])
return num,roman_str
def process_other(num,roman_str):
for (k,v) in romans_rev:
div = num // v
if ( div != 0 and num > 0 ):
roman_str += k * div
num -= v * div
return num,roman_str
def get_roman(num):
final_roman_str = ""
while (num > 0):
if (str(num).startswith('4')):
num,final_roman_str = process_4(num,final_roman_str)
num,final_roman_str = process_9(num,final_roman_str)
num,final_roman_str = process_other(num,final_roman_str)
return final_roman_str

return get_roman(data)


This is my recursive approach

def itr(num):
if(num == 1): return "I"
if(num == 4): return "IV"
if(num == 5): return "V"
if(num == 9): return "IX"
if(num == 10): return "X"
if(num == 40): return "XL"
if(num == 50): return "L"
if(num == 90): return "XC"
if(num == 100): return "C"
if(num == 400): return "CD"
if(num == 500): return "D"
if(num == 900): return "CM"
if(num == 1000): return "M"

for i in [1000, 100, 10, 1]:
for j in [9*i, 5*i, 4*i, i]:
return itr(j) + itr(num-j)

def test(num):

if type(num) != type(1):
raise Exception("expected integer, got %s" % type(num))
if not 0 < num < 4000:
raise Exception("Argument must be between 1 and 3999")
ints = (1000, 900, 500, 400, 100, 90, 50, 40, 10, 9, 5, 4, 1)
nums = ('M', 'CM', 'D', 'CD', 'C', 'XC', 'L', 'XL', 'X', 'IX', 'V', 'IV', 'I')
result = ""
for i in range(len(ints)):
count = int(num / ints[i])
result += nums[i] * count
num -= ints[i] * count
print result
except Exception as e:
print e.message

roman_map = [(1000, 'M'), (900, 'CM'), (500, 'D'), (400, 'CD'), (100, 'C'), (90, 'XC'),
(50, 'L'), (40, 'XL'), (10, 'X'), (9, 'IX'), (5, 'V'), (4, 'IV'), (1, 'I')]

def IntToRoman (xn):
x = xn
y = 0
Str = ""
for i, r in roman_map:
# take the number and divisible by the roman number from 1000 to 1.
y = x//i

for j in range(0, y):
# If after divisibility is not 0 then take the roman number from list into String.
Str = Str+r

# Take the remainder to next round.
x = x%i
return Str

Test case:

>>> IntToRoman(3251)

start subtracting 1000,900... to 1 from A and stops when it finds positive.add corresponding roman to ans and make A to A-i where i is (1,4,5,9,10.....) repeat while A does not become 0.

def intToRoman(self, A):
for i,j in l[::-1]:
if A-i>=0:
return ans

Please add some description about what your code does.
– CGritton
Jun 21 at 20:01

This is my recursive function approach to convert a number to its roman equivalent

def solution(n):
# TODO convert int to roman string
value = [1000,500,100,50,10,5,1]
num = 10**(len(str(n))-1)
quo = n//num
if quo in [0,1,2,3]:
elif quo in [4,5,6,7,8]:
if rem==0:
return string
return string


I was working through this conversion as a kata exercise, and I came up with a solution that takes advantage of Python's string operations:

from collections import namedtuple

Abbreviation = namedtuple('Abbreviation', 'long short')
abbreviations = [
Abbreviation('I' * 1000, 'M'),
Abbreviation('I' * 500, 'D'),
Abbreviation('I' * 100, 'C'),
Abbreviation('I' * 50, 'L'),
Abbreviation('I' * 10, 'X'),
Abbreviation('I' * 5, 'V'),
Abbreviation('DCCCC', 'CM'),
Abbreviation('CCCC', 'CD'),
Abbreviation('LXXXX', 'XC'),
Abbreviation('XXXX', 'XL'),
Abbreviation('VIIII', 'IX'),
Abbreviation('IIII', 'IV')

def to_roman(arabic):
roman = 'I' * arabic
for abbr in abbreviations:
roman = roman.replace(abbr.long, abbr.short)

return roman

I like its simplicity! No need for modulo operations, conditionals, or multiple loops. Of course, you don't need namedtuples either; you can use plain tuples or lists instead.


# This program will allow the user to input a number from 1 - 3999 (in english) and will translate it to Roman numerals.
# sources:
Guys the reason why I wrote this program like that so it becomes readable for everybody.
Let me know if you have any questions...
while True:
x = input("Enter a positive integer from 1 - 3999 (without spaces) and this program will translated to Roman numbers: ")
inttX = int(x)
if (inttX) == 0 or 0 > (inttX):
print("Unfortunately, the smallest number that you can enter is 1 ")
elif (inttX) > 3999:
print("Unfortunately, the greatest number that you can enter is 3999")
if len(x) == 1:
if inttX == 1:
first = "I"
elif inttX == 2:
first = "II"
elif inttX == 3:
first = "III"
elif inttX == 4:
first = "IV"
elif inttX == 5:
first = "V"
elif inttX == 6:
first = "VI"
elif inttX == 7:
first = "VII"
elif inttX == 8:
first = "VIII"
elif inttX == 9:
first = "IX"
if len(x) == 2:
a = int(x[0])
b = int(x[1])
if a == 0:
first = ""
elif a == 1:
first = "X"
elif a == 2:
first = "XX"
elif a == 3:
first = "XXX"
elif a == 4:
first = "XL"
elif a == 5:
first = "L"
elif a == 6:
first = "LX"
elif a == 7:
first = "LXX"
elif a == 8:
first = "LXXX"
elif a == 9:
first = "XC"

if b == 0:
first1 = "0"
if b == 1:
first1 = "I"
elif b == 2:
first1 = "II"
elif b == 3:
first1 = "III"
elif b == 4:
first1 = "IV"
elif b == 5:
first1 = "V"
elif b == 6:
first1 = "VI"
elif b == 7:
first1 = "VII"
elif b == 8:
first1 = "VIII"
elif b == 9:
first1 = "IX"
print(first + first1)
if len(x) == 3:
a = int(x[0])
b = int(x[1])
c = int(x[2])
if a == 0:
first12 = ""
if a == 1:
first12 = "C"
elif a == 2:
first12 = "CC"
elif a == 3:
first12 = "CCC"
elif a == 4:
first12 = "CD"
elif a == 5:
first12 = "D"
elif a == 6:
first12 = "DC"
elif a == 7:
first12 = "DCC"
elif a == 8:
first12 = "DCCC"
elif a == 9:
first12 = "CM"

if b == 0:
first = ""
elif b == 1:
first = "X"
elif b == 2:
first = "XX"
elif b == 3:
first = "XXX"
elif b == 4:
first = "XL"
elif b == 5:
first = "L"
elif b == 6:
first = "LX"
elif b == 7:
first = "LXX"
elif b == 8:
first = "LXXX"
elif b == 9:
first = "XC"

if c == 1:
first1 = "I"
elif c == 2:
first1 = "II"
elif c == 3:
first1 = "III"
elif c == 4:
first1 = "IV"
elif c == 5:
first1 = "V"
elif c == 6:
first1 = "VI"
elif c == 7:
first1 = "VII"
elif c == 8:
first1 = "VIII"
elif c == 9:
first1 = "IX"
print(first12 + first + first1)

if len(x) == 4:
a = int(x[0])
b = int(x[1])
c = int(x[2])
d = int(x[3])
if a == 0:
first1 = ""
if a == 1:
first1 = "M"
elif a == 2:
first1 = "MM"
elif a == 3:
first1 = "MMM"

if b == 0:
first12 = ""
if b == 1:
first12 = "C"
elif b == 2:
first12 = "CC"
elif b == 3:
first12 = "CCC"
elif b == 4:
first12 = "CD"
elif b == 5:
first12 = "D"
elif b == 6:
first12 = "DC"
elif b == 7:
first12 = "DCC"
elif b == 8:
first12 = "DCCC"
elif b == 9:
first12 = "CM"

if c == 0:
first3 = ""
elif c == 1:
first3 = "X"
elif c == 2:
first3 = "XX"
elif c == 3:
first3 = "XXX"
elif c == 4:
first3 = "XL"
elif c == 5:
first3 = "L"
elif c == 6:
first3 = "LX"
elif c == 7:
first3 = "LXX"
elif c == 8:
first3 = "LXXX"
elif c == 9:
first3 = "XC"

if d == 0:
first = ""
elif d == 1:
first = "I"
elif d == 2:
first = "II"
elif d == 3:
first = "III"
elif d == 4:
first = "IV"
elif d == 5:
first = "V"
elif d == 6:
first = "VI"
elif d == 7:
first = "VII"
elif d == 8:
first = "VIII"
elif d == 9:
first = "IX"
print(first1 + first12 + first3 + first)
except ValueError:
print(" Please enter a positive integer! ")

When you use the def keyword, you just define a function, but you don't run it.

what you're looking for is something more like this:

def generate_all_numerals(n):

def to_roman(n):

print "This program ..."
n = raw_input("Enter...")

print to_roman(n)

welcome to python :)

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