MongoEngine: How to append document to ListField

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MongoEngine: How to append document to ListField

I'm using mongodb with python.

Also use MongoEngine to communicate with mongodb.

Now I made some simple board system that has comment function.


import datetime
from mongoengine import *
from config import DB_NAME


class User(Document):
no = SequenceField()
userid = StringField(unique=True, required=True)
userpw = StringField(required=True)
created_at = DateTimeField(

class Comment(EmbeddedDocument):
content = StringField(required=True)
writer = ReferenceField(User, required=True)

class Board(Document):
no = SequenceField()
subject = StringField(required=True)
content = StringField(required=True)
writer = ReferenceField(User, required=True)
comments = ListField(EmbeddedDocumentField(Comment))
created_at = DateTimeField(
updated_at = DateTimeField(

In this code, How can I append new list to Board's comments field?



After searching for a hour, some document says that,

Board.objects(no=_no).update_one(push__comments=['123', '456']) will be works perfectly.

Board.objects(no=_no).update_one(push__comments=['123', '456'])

But it throw mongoengine.errors.InvalidQueryError: Querying the embedded document 'Comment' failed, due to an invalid query value error.

mongoengine.errors.InvalidQueryError: Querying the embedded document 'Comment' failed, due to an invalid query value

Maybe there is some syntax error, But I'm new at MongoEngine.

How can I solve this issue?


1 Answer


comment = Comments(content='test', writer='hide')
board = Board.objects(no=_no).get()

I solved issue like this.

But, if is there any solution, please comment it.

yes thats the way to solve this
– Kartikeya Mishra
Aug 11 at 8:41

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