Fill attribute in svg can't be overwrite in mat-icon

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Fill attribute in svg can't be overwrite in mat-icon

I want to use mat-icon for svg images but I can't change fill color. The problem is svg has an attribute fill which is set to #000000 and can't be overridden in any possible way.






In component:

this._iconRegistry.addSvgIcon('close', this._sanitizer.bypassSecurityTrustResourceUrl('/assets/images/ic_clear_black_24px.svg'));

In HTML template:

<span class="auth--icon">
<mat-icon svgIcon="close"></mat-icon>


color: red !important;
fill: currentColor !important;

Chrome DevTools of element tab and styles tab

If I put this code in this can be overridden.

Chrome DevTools of element tab and styles tab

For example on Angular Material svg[Attributes Style] does not have fill attribute and everything works.

svg[Attributes Style]


Styles tab in Chrome DevTools

UPDATE 2018-04-12

I finally found the cause of the issue. In my reset.css file, I had defined something like this:


For IE9. Without, occasionally draws shapes
outside the boundaries of <svg> rectangle.
overflow: hidden;

and I can't override style for svg element in my others .scss files.



Please update your question to include your actual html for the .svg icon.
– Narm
Apr 11 at 18:02

Now there is some more information what is in HTML and angular component.
– Verri
Apr 12 at 5:12

1 Answer

In the case of the angular material example, your CSS rule is applied because your <path> element indeed has no other fill rule set than the one it inherits from .mat-icon one (which sets it to currentColor).





But when there is a fill attribute set on the <path> element, then this rule takes precedence over the inherited one.



Luckily, it's still a poor rule, so you can override it quite easily:

fill: red;

.mat-icon rect /* change 'rect' to whatever tag you target */
fill: green;

/* you can even set it to 'inherit' and it will work */
.mat-icon rect:hover
fill: inherit;

<div class="mat-icon">
<svg viewBox="0 0 100 100" xmlns="" width="50" height="50">
<rect x="0" y="0" width="100" height="100" fill="orange"/>

Now, you may face something you didn't expected which is that paths which should have fill="none" attribute now are filled.

To overcome this, you'd have to make your selector a bit more complex:


fill: red;

/* beware it doesn't handle all possibilities of transparency, there are too many... */
.mat-icon path:not([fill='none']):not([fill="transparent"])
fill: inherit;

fill: red;

.bad-icon path
fill: inherit;

<div class="mat-icon">
<svg xmlns="">
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path>
<path fill="orange" d="M1 21h4V9H1v12zm22-11c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2h-6.31l.95-4.57.03-.32c0-.41-.17-.79-.44-1.06L14.17 1 7.59 7.59C7.22 7.95 7 8.45 7 9v10c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h9c.83 0 1.54-.5 1.84-1.22l3.02-7.05c.09-.23.14-.47.14-.73v-1.91l-.01-.01L23 10z"></path>

<div class="bad-icon">
<svg xmlns="">
<path fill="none" d="M0 0h24v24H0z"></path>
<path fill="orange" d="M1 21h4V9H1v12zm22-11c0-1.1-.9-2-2-2h-6.31l.95-4.57.03-.32c0-.41-.17-.79-.44-1.06L14.17 1 7.59 7.59C7.22 7.95 7 8.45 7 9v10c0 1.1.9 2 2 2h9c.83 0 1.54-.5 1.84-1.22l3.02-7.05c.09-.23.14-.47.14-.73v-1.91l-.01-.01L23 10z"></path>

The problem is not fill attribute in <path> but in <svg> like this <svg fill="#000000" . I can't override this in any way. In angualr material example ther is not fill attribute in <svg> I don't know why.
– Verri
Apr 12 at 6:18




<svg fill="#000000"



@Verri the same applies. If you set a CSS rule with higher importance, your CSS rule will win. With the current .mat-icon fill: currentColor , inherited value from <svg fill> will win, because the inheritance chain is broken. So if you wish you can just set your rule to be .mat-icon svg fill: inherit , this way you wouldn't even have issues with paths that should be fill=none.
– Kaiido
Apr 12 at 6:48

.mat-icon fill: currentColor

<svg fill>

.mat-icon svg fill: inherit


yes, this is a normal behavior which should work. Problem was svg element in my reset.css file. I can't override this I dont know why. Very annyoing. Thanks for help anyway!
– Verri
Apr 12 at 6:54



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