Ifelse statement to add NA to list
Ifelse statement to add NA to list
I am running into an issue turning my list into an array for further analysis due to the different number of values within the strings as such:
[1] 35 61
[1] 2 11 13
[1] 10 15 35
[1] 35 44 78
[1] 22 86 101
Due to the fact that I have 2 integers in some strings and 3 in other strings, I am unable to turn it into an array.
Ultimately, I would like to create an ifelse
statement to insert an NA
into the into the list when there are only two integers.
This is the statement I made:
length = length(list_i1)
list_i1 = ifelse(list_i1[[1:length]][3] != 0:Inf,
list_i1[[1:length]][3] == "NA",
list_i1[[1:length]][3] == list_i1[[1:length]][3])
It is returning: Error in list_i1[[1:length]] : recursive indexing failed at level 2
Error in list_i1[[1:length]] : recursive indexing failed at level 2
For various reasons I was hoping to use an ifelse statement rather than something like: list_i1 = t(sapply(list_i1,
,max(lengths(list_i1)))). I had written other parts of my script to fit in with the results from the array I would have ideally gotten from the ifelse statement.– E. Sas
Aug 10 at 18:52
3 Answers
[,1] [,2] [,3]
[1,] 35 61 NA
[2,] 2 11 13
[3,] 10 15 35
[4,] 35 44 78
[5,] 22 86 101
list_i1 = list(c(35,61),c(2,11,13),c(10,15,35),c(35,44,78),c(22,86,101))
Try the following
ex <- list(c(35, 61), c(2, 11, 13), c(10, 15, 35), c(35, 44, 78), c(22, 86, 101))
max_len <- max(lengths(ex))
mapply(function(x, y) c(x, rep(NA, max_len - y)), ex, lengths(ex))
# [,1] [,2] [,3] [,4] [,5]
# [1,] 35 2 10 35 22
# [2,] 61 11 15 44 86
# [3,] NA 13 35 78 101
We can use stri_list2matrix
from stringi
m1 <- stri_list2matrix(ex, byrow = TRUE)
`dim<-`(as.numeric(m1), dim(m1))
# [,1] [,2] [,3]
#[1,] 35 61 NA
#[2,] 2 11 13
#[3,] 10 15 35
#[4,] 35 44 78
#[5,] 22 86 101
ex <- list(c(35, 61), c(2, 11, 13), c(10, 15, 35), c(35, 44, 78), c(22, 86, 101))
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How is this different from your previous question: stackoverflow.com/questions/51732416/…?
– Lamia
Aug 10 at 15:53