Showing a popup when page loads in Angular 4
Showing a popup when page loads in Angular 4
I am very new to Angular and I am trying to make a popup in Angular 4 that asks for the user's email when the page loads. I googled and I couldn't find a single example. What is the best service I can use for that task, how is it usually done?
Which bit are you stuck on? Creating the actual popup, or getting it to display on load?
– user184994
Aug 12 at 8:01
Making it display on load and closing it
– user10182767
Aug 12 at 8:15
@RogerCrowley so, what is "it"? Which of the libraries displaying popups are you using? Where is your code?
– JB Nizet
Aug 12 at 8:33
2 Answers
Fire up the terminal and type : npm install @ngui/overlay
In your app.module.ts:
import appComponent from './app.component';
import NguiOverlayModule from '@ngui/overlay';
declarations: [appComponent ],
imports: [NguiOverlayModule]
In your app.component.ts:
import NguiOverlayManager from '@ngui/overlay';
import Component, OnInit from '@angular/core';
selector : 'app-root',
templateUrl : './app.component.html'
export class appComponent implements OnInit
public _overlayManager : NguiOverlayManager
openPopUp()'popup-modal', 1);
In your app.component.html:
<div id="popup-modal" ngui-overlay-of="window">
<!-- Popup content goes here -->
Using Bootstrap you can use below method.
First install ngx-bootstrap npm module using below CLI command.
npm install ngx-bootstrap
Now import ngx-bootstap module in your root module like this :
import ModalModule from 'ngx-bootstrap/modal';
imports: [
Than import that module in your ts file and use it like this :
import ModalDirective from 'ng2-bootstrap';
// @ViewChild('Same name as your html #Model name') define any name : ModalDirective;
@ViewChild('myModel') myModel: ModalDirective;
// Now use this code to when you want open model :;
// Now use this code to when you want hide model :
In your case you need to call like this
In Your HTML File paste this code :
<div class="modal fade" bsModal #myModel="bs-modal"
tabindex="-1" role="dialog" aria-labelledby="mySmallModalLabel" aria-hidden="true">
<div class="modal-dialog modal-md">
<div class="modal-content">
// Write your html here
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use libraries like primeng, ng-bootstrap, angular material , etc . these libraries have many components including PopUp which u can use it in your project
– Soroush_Neshat
Aug 12 at 7:59